‘Big Brother 25’s’ Jared Targeting America Weirdly Involved ‘Breaking Bad’


Any conversation and any move can be held against you in the Big Brother house. That’s because the houseguests evict one person every week. So everyone wants to act on their best behavior and point out other people’s suspicious behavior to try to win the $750,000 prize. The CBS show tries to cast people of different backgrounds who probably wouldn’t meet each other in real life. That leads to surprising friendships and feuds.

Fans who watched the 24-hour live feeds on Paramount+ during season 25 watched Jared Fields and Cory Wurtenberger become close allies. However, things began growing tense between them after Cory became closer to America Lopez. Once they were officially a showmance, Jared made it his mission to target America. Cory revealed a moment where he felt like there was no hope for Jared and America to want to work together.

Jared Fields Was Upset With America Lopez For Defending Skyler White on ‘Big Brother 25’

Cory did a deep dive into his Big Brother game with Taran Armstrong. He asked if he knew about “Skyler-gate” which bothered Jared. “So I think a large reason why Jared was annoyed at America, we were in the backyard patio talking about Breaking Bad,” Cory explained. He didn’t remember when this conversation took place. “At some point, Skyler came up. Jared’s like I hate Skyler. America’s like that’s k ind of indicative of the patriarchy. And he’s pissed, and I know after the whole females/women thing I was like, this bridge is burnt. We are not getting back in with Jared.”


Skyler played by Anna Gunn was the wife and mother to Walter White’s kids on the AMC show. The father hid his secret drug business from her at first. Then they were at odds over his crimes. The Breaking Bad fandom was really vocal about hating Skyler while the show aired. It was so bad that Gunn wrote an op-ed called “I Have a Character Issue” for The New York Times. “Vince Gilligan, the creator of Breaking Bad, wanted Skyler to be a woman with a backbone of steel who would stand up to whatever came her way, who wouldn’t just collapse in the corner or wring her hands in despair,” read part of the piece. “He and the show’s writers made Skyler multilayered and, in her own way, morally compromised. But at the end of the day, she hasn’t been judged by the same set of standards as Walter.”

Jared didn’t talk about this conversation when he gave his reasons for targeting America. He often accused her of throwing competitions instead and claimed that made her a useless ally. Jared told Cameron Hardin that she was a threat because Cory told her a secret. That secret was that his brother was on Survivor. Jared and Cory were fully torn apart after Izzy Gleicher’s eviction. Cory put Jared and Blue Kim on the block during the double eviction. Jared was evicted and stayed one more week as a zombie before his final eviction.

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