Bowie Jane Reveals What Her Big Brother 25 Jury Speech Would’ve Been


Big Brother 25’s Bowie Jane, who came in third, opens up about how she would’ve convinced the jury to vote for her if she was in the Final 2.

Big Brother season 25 third-place finisher Bowie Jane revealed what she would’ve said to the jury in her final plea speech if Jag Bains had chosen her instead of Matt Klotz to sit in the Final 2 with him. Bowie, Jag, and Matt, also known as The Mafia alliance, made it to the Final 3. However, Matt won the first part of the final Head of Household (HOH) competition, and Jag won the second, which meant that they faced off against each other in the third. Ultimately, Jag stayed true to his Final 2 Minutemen alliance with Matt and didn’t choose Bowie. Jag won Big Brother 25, with Matt as the runner-up.

In an interview with EW, Bowie revealed that she told jury members Felicia Cannon and Cirie Fields that she’d been in an alliance with Matt and Jag from week 6 so that they knew she wasn’t playing the middle, although she gave that impression. Bowie also shared that in her speech to the jury, she would’ve “reiterated the fact that I’ve never been on the block, that I’ve been maneuvering around the game, that I’ve stuck true to my word and then stuck to the alliances.” Bowie added that she won three HOHs, “so we were literally rotating through the HOHs and going through our list of people we were eliminating.”


Bowie Jane Is “Happy” To Be Called A Big Brother Floater

Bowie was asked about her fellow houseguests America Lopez, Cirie, and Felicia calling her a floater. Bowie said, “I was really happy for that to be the impression. That was my aim from the start of the game, to give that impression so that I wasn’t a threat.” She explained that she hid the fact that she’s a criminal trial attorney and wanted to appear “happy-go-lucky, easygoing.” Bowie added, “I knew exactly what I was doing. Every move I made was on purpose. It wasn’t accidental, and I wasn’t just floating around. The fact that they thought that means I did a good job at it.”



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It’s interesting to hear from Bowie that being a floater was her strategy. On Big Brother, a floater moves from one side of the house to the other, depending on where the power is. Based on what Bowie said about how she wasn’t playing the middle, it appears that a better word to describe her would be a coaster. She coasted through the first half of the game and then won three HOH competitions in the second half. Although it appeared that Jag was in control of a lot of her moves when she had power, Bowie claims that they made the decisions together.

Bowie made it all the way to the Final 3 of Big Brother 25, so her strategy worked. Although she didn’t win the game, she showed that it was possible to make it very far without ruffling feathers and getting blood on her hands. She was never on the chopping block, despite winning three HOH competitions. However, she ultimately wasn’t going to be able to break Jag and Matt’s bond. Bowie played a respectable game in the end, and she deserves credit for the competitions she won and the moves she made on Big Brother.

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