GENERAL HOSPITAL 6/8/23: Ned Confronts Nina!


Chase queries Brook Lynn’s choice, Dante requests assistance with Anna, Drew reveals his plan to Josslyn, Carly puts Michael to the test, Sonny takes a stand, and Ned informs Nina that he is on to her. Drew believes Tracy is the solution.

To save Carly, Drew has chosen to report himself for insider trading, but he may still have one card left to play. He tells Tracy, “You are the answer to my problem. But what specifically is it that he has in mind?

Over dinner, things get awkward when Chase asks Brook Lynn about her recent career change. “Why did you go back to Deception?” he wonders. Can she come up with a plausible excuse that doesn’t expose the fact that Tracy forced her to do it so she can spy on the company for her?

At the police station, Dante decides it’s time to enlist some aid. “I need your help with Anna,” he informs someone. But who is he asking, and will they be willing or able to help out?

A frustrated Josslyn fears that there’s no longer a way to take down Sonny and save Dex, but her boyfriend has his own ideas. “This is my best option,” Dex announces. “And I’m gonna take it.” But will she agree?


On the rooftop, Carly meets with Michael to inform him that she destroyed the flash drive containing the evidence against Sonny and questions her son’s motives in trying to destroy his father. “Would you put the life of someone you cared about in his hands?” Carly asks him.

Sonny is concerned that Pikeman is trying to send through another shipment without having found out who tried to kill him. And while he’s happy to send Dex or another employee to take care of certain issues, sometimes it takes the personal touch. “Some things are better said face to face,” he tells someone.

Ned was already angry that everyone had immediately accused him of turning Carly and Drew in to the SEC but having overheard Nina’s conversation with Martin, he now knows who the true culprit is! “It was you all along,” he marvels. Can Nina convince him to keep quiet or is this the beginning of the end for her?

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