Soap Hub Performer Of The Week For GH: Lisa LoCicero


Lisa LoCicero played triumph and tragedy with Ned’s condition on General Hospital.

Sure, we were a bit confused when Olivia (Lisa LoCicero) did not immediately take Ned’s side after he proclaimed his innocence regarding the call to the Securities & Exchange Commission on General Hospital. However, she quickly realized the error of her ways and let Ned know she believed in him and loved him. Now, LoCicero is delivering even more emotional performances given Ned’s current predicament.

Lisa LoCicero – Performer of the Week

Oliva arrived at General Hospital still in shock that Ned had hit his head and taken a dip into the Metro Court pool and was fighting for his life. She tearfully embraced ex-flame Sonny (Maurice Benard), finding solace in his arms for a brief moment. LoCicero had Olivia take deeper and deeper breaths as Dr. TJ Ashford (Tajh Bellow) let her know that Ned (Wally Kurth) has suffered a TBI — a traumatic brain injury. The news got worse as TJ shared that Ned was deprived of oxygen for some time. Olivia couldn’t help but give in to tears and fears as each new bit of information was delivered. She started to crumble before our eyes while also trying to be brave.

“I’m here, Ned,” a trembling Olivia tearfully told her husband when she was allowed to see him and hold his hand. “Just like I said I’d be….we’re all here…you’ve gotta wake up…I love you so much. You’ve got to come back to us. You’ve got to come back to me.”

As the week progressed and the magnitude of Ned’s predicament sunk in, Olivia began to show physical signs of the pain she was suffering. Her tears smudged her eyelash makeup, creating some dark circles around her eyes.


Later, Olivia, armed with her rosary beads (which was a nice touch from the props department), appeared to have part of her wish come true. Surrounded by his wife, his mother Tracy (Jane Elliot), and his daughter Brook Lynn (Amanda Sutton), Ned came around and recounted falling. Olivia chuckled that, hopefully, Ned wouldn’t sue the owner (her). She allowed herself to feel joy when Ned answered a few questions that showed he had mental clarity.

Alas, an immediate fear washed over her face after Ned proclaimed he wasn’t Ned at all but rather “Eddie Maine” — the persona he adopted when he became a singing sensation back in the 1990s. So while Ned’s come back, it’s not clear whether or not he’s returned to his loving wife. In a true soap opera twist, Olivia’s gotten her heart’s desire — but not entirely.

This story has already given LoCicero opportunities to shine and we expect many more. Ned and Olivia are one of Port Charles’s more secure couples; they’ve needed a good conflict for some time and now, they have it. We’re looking forward to watching what Lisa LoCicero brings to Olivia next as she processes Ned’s recovery.

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