Easy General Hospital A: Should Ava Jerome Give Austin A Chance?


Could this be the so bad it’s good couple on GH?

Nothing bonds a General Hospital couple more than killing a man and hiding his body. Then wondering where the body is. And lying to the world about it.

General Hospital Polling

Talk about hot! So why is Ava resisting her chemistry with Austin? Should she give him a chance? We asked GH fans to weigh in on this. Here’s what you had to say.

Ava Jerome: Slow Down, You’re Moving Too Fast

Don’t rush into anything, 18% of the audience advises. Sure, you guys know each other really well. Committing a crime together does that for a couple. But acting impulsively is what got you into this situation in the first place. Ava (M aura West) and Austin (Roger Howarth) can go ahead and consider a future together. Especially since they’re pretty sure the last guy she was married to is dead and buried – somewhere. But take it easy. Look before you leap. At least once in your lives.


General Hospital: Good To Be Bad

Ava and Austin together are a very bad, no good, terrible idea. Which is what makes them so good together, 19% of you cheer. Nice couples are…nice. Nice couples are…boring. Nice couples are…Willow (Katelyn MacMullen) and Michael (Chad Duell). Need we say more?


Ava isn’t nice, and Austin isn’t nice. Which is what makes it nice for us. No, more than nice. Good. Good for us.

Warning Ava Jerome: He’s A Bad News Beau

Nope, uh-uh, no way, 63% of General Hospital voters dismiss. This is a very bad idea. Because Austin is a very bad guy. He is doing something shady. With someone shady. We don’t know what or with whom. Or why. But we know it’s bad!

Of course, Ava Jerome is no saint. But she’s got a kid to look out for. She’s never going to go completely around the bend. Austin can’t promise that. And Ava can’t risk that. Avery can’t risk that. And Sonny (Maurice Benard) can’t know about it.

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