General Hospital Spoilers Speculation: Sonny And Nina Trip Down The Aisle


Who will get GH cold feet first?

GH spoilers insist on driving toward a Sonny and Nina wedding…even as fans wonder how it could possibly happen. There is so much standing in the way. Not just an unhappy Carly, or a stubborn Michael, or a waffling Willow, but also the tiny matter of Nina siccing the SEC on Carly, and Drew ending up in prison over it. That secret is bound to come out sooner rather than later. Will it be enough to kibosh their happily ever after?

Honesty is Best

There is always the possibility Nina (Cynthia Watros) will decide to come clean. She might want to st art her new marriage off without any lies. Or she might want to tell Sonny (Maurice Benard) before someone else can. Surely, Ned (Wally Kurth) won’t be Eddie forever.


Too Little Too Late

On the other hand, Nina may prefer to seal the deal and officially make Sonny her legally wedded husband before she tells him what she’s been up to. It’s much harder to break up a marriage than an engagement. She wants to make sure Sonny is totally committed. And Carly (Laura Wright) can’t just swoop in to pick up the pieces. Immediately.

Full Speed Ahead

But it’s unlikely Nina will get the chance, either before or after. Ned knows about Nina’s secret, and so do others. Which means she doesn’t get to determine the timeline for her exposure. It will definitely happen before the wedding. This means the wedding is now much less likely to happen. Sonny could call it off. But it might also be Nina.

She could decide she can’t go through with it and even question her relationship with Sonny if it could end over her reporting his ex-wife’s crime. The fact that Nina is considered the bigger villain for turning Carly in than Carly is for actually doing the thing she deserved to be turned in for remains a mystery. And if that’s how Sonny feels, what does Nina need him for?

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