Big Brother 25 Houseguests Most Likely To Survive The Second Double Eviction Ranked (Spoilers)


The Big Brother 25 houseguests will soon face their second live eviction of the season. Here’s who’s most likely to survive this exciting event.

Big Brother 25 is about to feature its second double eviction of the season, and some of the seven remaining houseguests have a better chance of surviving it than others. On a double eviction night, the first elimination happens as usual. Then it’s followed by the houseguests playing a week’s worth of Big Brother in one night, with another houseguest getting evicted. During week 7, Big Brother 25 had its first double eviction of the season. After Cameron Hardin was eliminated, Cory Wurtenberger won HOH and nominated Jared Fields and Blue Kim. Matt Klotz won the Power of Veto, and chose not to use it, so Jared was evicted.

However, Big Brother 25 had a big surprise in store for the houseguests, as both Cameron and Jared returned to the house as Zombies. There was no HOH or Power of Veto that week. Instead, the Zombies competed in the Resurrection Rumble to see which of them would win the choice to play in the Do or Die competition. Cameron won, and chose to play. His victory in the latter competition resurrected his game, and he returned to the house. This week, the second double eviction will play out live on Thursday. Here’s who’s most likely to survive the night.

Bowie Jane

Bowie Jane is the houseguest most likely to survive the second Big Brother 25 double eviction. She isn’t really seen as much of a threat in the house. In fact, she’s never even been nominated for eviction yet. Plus, she’s working with Jag Bains and Matt Klotz, the two strongest players in the game. Bowie has won one HOH competition this season, during which Jag and Matt helped her to evict Cameron. Although Cirie Fields and Felicia Cannon aren’t working with Bowie, they’d be more likely to go after the duo of Matt and Jag during a double eviction before they targeted her. Bowie should be safe this week.

Matt Klotz

Matt has a great chance of winning HOH during the second part of the double eviction. Even if he doesn’t and is nominated next to Jag, there’s a good probability that he’ll win the Power of Veto, which he did in the last double eviction. Although that was his only competition win so far, Matt’s social game has been impeccable. Everyone loves him, so it’s likely that he’d stay in the game if he was nominated with Jag. If the HOH game is physical, the odds are in Matt’s favor that he’ll win against the remaining houseguests, especially since Jag is ineligible to play as the outgoing HOH.

Cirie Fields

Cirie also has a good chance of surviving the double eviction this week. She hasn’t won any competitions yet, and she’s been laying very low lately in the Big Brother 25 house. Cirie has been working her magic with her social game, maint aining her relationships and staying on everyone’s good sides. By staying under-the-radar, Cirie can most likely avoid the chopping block during the second eviction. She’s also overdue for a win, so perhaps this will finally be her time to be HOH.


Felicia Cannon


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Felicia has been nominated five times this season, so her chances of being put on the chopping block are pretty good during the double eviction, even if it’s just as a pawn. However, it’s unlikely that she’ll be any of the women’s targets this week. Jag might see Felicia as a threat, but he’s ineligible to play for HOH. Unless Matt wins HOH, Jag won’t have much of a say in who gets nominated this week. There are bigger fish to fry than Felicia right now, and the double eviction will be the perfect opportunity to get a larger threat out of the game.


America Lopez

Now that America Lopez’s Final 2 partner and showmance Cory is out of the game, she’s less of a threat. However, during the double eviction, it might be easier for her fellow houseguests to eliminate her, rather than make enemies of each other. Because her loyalties are questionable, the players might decide that it’s her time to go. America hasn’t won any Big Brother 25 competitions yet, so it might be even harder for her to win with the pressure of the double eviction. However, she’s also overdue for a win, so this could be her time to shine.

Jag Bains

Although Jag has been running the game lately, he’ll be in a very vulnerable position during the second eviction because he’s ineligible to play for HOH. Jag has won five competitions in a row, including the HOH two weeks in a row in weeks 11 and 12, and the Power of Veto in weeks 10, 11, and 12. Because he was the invisible HOH in week 11, he was allowed to play again in week 12. So far, Jag has won two HOH and five Power of Veto competitions total.

The double eviction will be the perfect opportunity for the other houseguests to take a shot at him. If Matt doesn’t win HOH, Jag will most certainly be nominated next to him. Jag will have to win the Power of Veto in order to save himself. With his track record of five veto wins so far, it’s very likely, but anything could happen.

Blue Kim

Because Blue is the current HOH Jag’s target, and she didn’t win the Power of Veto, it’s almost certain that she’ll be eliminated during the first eviction. Jag won the Power of Veto, and he will leave his nominations the same by not using it. Jag has made it clear to everyone that he wants Blue out of the house, and Matt and Bowie are definitely on board for evicting her.

There would be no reason for Felicia and Cirie to rock the boat and vote to keep Blue over America, especially since then the vote would be a tie, and Jag would break it and evict Blue anyway. Unless something changes, (and, with these fickle houseguests, anything is possible), Blue will probably be speaking with host Julie Chen Moonves before the second eviction.

Big Brother 25 has been full of twists and turns. This second double eviction will bring the group of houseguests down to just five players. Although some Big Brother 25 players currently seem to have a better chance of surviving it than others, they have been some of the most flip-floppy contestants ever to play the game. Their alliances and targets shift daily, so really anything could happen before and during the double eviction. Everyone should always “expect the unexpected” when it comes to Big Brother, especially on Double Eviction Night.

Big Brother 25 airs Sundays at 10 p.m. EDT, Tuesdays at 8 p.m. EDT, and Thursdays at 9 p.m. EDT on CBS.

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