Big Brother: Viewers Are Turning On These Power Players (They’re Becoming Villains)


Big Brother 25 is nearly at its end, but some of the most powerful players in the game are going from heroes to villains as the season finishes.

Big Brother 25 has shown the true colors of many players, but some of the most powerful players still standing in the game have become villainous about the last stretch of gameplay. With the final 5 houseguests moving toward the end of Big Brother 25, it has become increasingly difficult for the contestants to put their personal relationships aside to make strategic game moves. With players aligned with the entire house, hurt feelings have been the name of the game, the cast has also been increasing the amount of trash talk they share about the houseguests they’ve lived with previously, and those who are still playing the game.

While Big Brother 25’s Jag Bains, Matt Klotz, and Bowie Jane have all faced their own share of adversity in the BB house, the trio has taken to talking down to Felicia Cannon and Cirie Fields, who are still living in the house and playing the game. The group is also spending a lot of time throughout the day rehashing season highlights and trashing houseguests who aren’t even there anymore. Though the excessive trash talk is likely a way to alleviate their guilt about evicting people close to them, the remaining BB houseguests have taken things to an extreme.

Big Brother’s Jag & Matt Led Personal Attacks On Showmance Cory & America

Jag and Matt have had many alliances in the BB house, but the alliance they had with Cory Wurtenberger and America Lopez was the strongest at a key point in the game. When Jag and Matt realized that Cirie, Felicia, and former houseguest Izzy Gleicher were involved in several different alliances throughout the house, the 4-person alliance formed to ensure Izzy was evicted and the power shifted. For weeks, Jag, Matt, Cory, and America worked together in order to take out their mutual threats as the 2 strongest duos in the game. While Matt and Jag continued to create alliances elsewhere, they were loyal to the strategic showmance.

When Jag won the Invisible HOH during BB Comic-Week, he told Cory and America that he’d won and promised them safety. Unfortunately, Jag decided to make a big move against the showmance, nominating Cory and America for eviction against one another, turning his back on their alliance and blindsiding them. Matt and Jag ignored Cory and America, isolating them in the house, then led the charge in trashing them. They spoke to the rest of the house with excitement at the idea of the duo turning on each other, making claims their relationship was fake and lodging personal attacks against them that went far beyond the scope of the game.

Jag & Matt Have Both Spoken Out About Bullying On BB 25


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Although the duo has spoken out about being bullied and mistreated during Big Brother 25 in their own right, Jag and Matt have also contributed to the bullying in the house. Early on in the season, Jag was one of the biggest targets in the house. During his time on the nomination block, Jag felt that he experienced some mistreatment in the house. Jag felt bullied, particularly by Cirie when she was in power in the house, as she was trying to push him into being a scapegoat for alliance and wanted him out of the game. Though Jag wasn’t actually bullied in those moments, he felt he was.


Matt often struggles with his treatment in the BB house. As someone who is deaf, Matt rightfully takes offense to people constantly whispering around him, and he has called it out a number of times. He hasn’t been bullied or torn down personally, but he’s faced adversity in the house. Regardless of what’s happened to either of them, Matt and Jag have begun to wage personal attacks on houseguests who are no longer even in the game. From undercutting America’s intelligence to making fun of Cory’s confidence in his masculinity and poking at Felicia for being devoutly religious, Matt and Jag have proven they’re the real bullies in the game.

Bowie Jane Has Joined In On Critical Comments After Complaining About Bullying

Although Bowie Jane has been relatively under the radar throughout Big Brother 25, she aligned with Matt and Jag in the last quarter of the game in order to propel herself to the end. As she’s moved through her alliance with the duo, she’s found herself more bitter toward the rest of the house, openly complaining to them about the way others have behaved. Bowie has complained about being isolated in the game, even crying about the way she was treated earlier in the game when Cirie, Felicia, and Izzy were in power. The trio were tough on her, and lodging personal attacks against her looks and age.

In her alliance, Bowie has felt more comfortable trashing her fellow houseguests. She’s spoken about how awful she felt when she realized people were talking about her, but has chosen to do the same and gotten worse as she’s been in power. Bowie, like Matt and Jag, has taken to tearing down anyone on the nomination block in order to villainize them and absolve herself of the feelings of betrayal she may have about evicting them. Bowie has somehow made this feel worse by suggesting psychological warfare for the houseguests who remain in the game, seeming to take joy in the idea of making others feel deeply unsettled.

Jag, Matt, & Bowie Plan To Continue Their BB 25 Behavior

As the end of Big Brother 25 comes into focus, it’s clear that Matt, Jag, and Bowie have a high potential to be the final 3 houseguests. With the trio still their power trip, they’ve also decided they’ll continue their reign of terror in the BB house. While Matt, Jag, and Bowie don’t seem to understand that they’re doing anything out of the ordinary, the houseguests have planned a special attack on Felicia in order to ensure she doesn’t do well in the final 4 Head Of Household competition. Outside their isolated, targeted attack, it appears the trio will continue to play Big Brother with a personal edge.

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