WTMJ Conversations: Farmer Wants A Wife Winner Grace Girard


Most of us would never get on a plane, without knowing your destination, to meet the love of your life on a TV show. But Racine’s Grace Girard decided to look for love on Fox TV’s Farmer Wants A Wife. She tells WTMJ’s Libby Collins how she found love on a TV show and the unexpected turn her romantic life took after the cameras stopped filming. It’s all ahead on this delightful edition of WTMJ Conversations! Listen in the player above.

A partial transcript is provided below, courtesy of eCourt Reporters.

GRACE GIRARD: They actually didn’t even tell us where we were going, they just said, here’s your flight from Milwaukee to Atlanta, be at the airport by 9:00 a.m., be ready to go.

LIBBY COLLINS: You didn’t know where you were going?


So, I landed in Atlanta, and it ended up filming in Alabama.

LIBBY COLLINS: So, they came to get you, I assume at the airport.


LIBBY COLLINS: Did they tell you at that point you’re going to Alabama, or you just got on another plane?

GRACE GIRARD: They did tell me at that point we were going to Alabama. They got us into a car, they told us, like, the type of person to look for and she’ll get you and a couple other girls into car and you’re going to drive away.

LIBBY COLLINS: So, at this point, had you talked to these other girls who were the other contestants?

GRACE GIRARD: They had told us, you know, keep talking to a minimum because they really wanted to keep everything authentic for the cameras, so it was kind of a silent car ride.


LIBBY COLLINS: What was your impression of the other girls? I mean, right now you know they’re your competition.

GRACE GIRARD: Exactly, now there was that edge to it. I’m too much of a Midwest nice girl to, like, sit there and not try and talk to people, but there was like that, I shouldn’t be giving anything away about myself, so it was kind of an interesting experience.

LIBBY COLLINS: How did you like the four other girls?

GRACE GIRARD: If you watch the show, like, I’m very bonded with Joy. Joy and I are best friends. We’re kind of opposites, but we really just jive well together. And early on in the show, there is some decisions between some of the other girls that they did not like Joy. So, it was sort of difficult for me to, you know, kind of be best friends with somebody that everyone else hates.

LIBBY COLLINS: How did you navigate that?

GRACE GIRARD: I feel like I get the credit of being like the peacekeeper early on in that show, because I was definitely, like, friends with everybody. Like, Reba always liked me, I always had respect for her. Brooklyn liked me. Annalise Liked me. I think I jived well with Annalise. And then of course Joy and I are good friends.

So, I feel like it was kind of like I was able to navigate all of these female relationships that were pretty intense on the farm.

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