“If I Saved Angela, Huge Move On Our Part! Huge Move For Us! Huge Resume Builder!”


11:50am HOH room – Makensy and Chelsie
Chelsie – Listen she took Angela off and jeopardized Quinn’s game. So she did the same thing that she is upset that we did. We wouldn’t even be in that predicament if Angela was still on the block. Makensy – NOPE! Chelsie – so lets not go there. Makensy – and that is why Quinn feels so guilty. They’re like we’re the ones that put him up there. Chelsie – and that is why I am like do we put Kimo and Leah next to each other. Makensy – But, but, that would come down to you, cuz I know that Tkor and Rubina would keep Kimo. I would keep Kimo. And then that would come down to you. Chelsie – I would keep Kimo. Makensy – Even if Cam switch that I know Tkor and Rubina wouldn’t. Chelsie – I think that Quinn and Leah together will try to cost descension with me you and Cam. So either Quinn or Leah I think should be put on the block this week and you can decide who you want to use it we I mean it could be Angela and Quinn I will get that because Leah is extra vulnerable and Leah still voted to kick Kimo out so Kimo, Rubina and Tkor still would not fully be rocking with Leah. Even if she stays which I’m OK with so I don’t care it’s either way like. Makensy – Ah fuck dude things have changed overnight. I’m literally screaming at the top of my lungs I’m never going to use this thing! F**k them! F**k! Chelsie – but we still don’t have to. Makensy – We still don’t have to but.. Chelsie – you need to talk to Quinn, you talk to Leah you need to talk to..

Makensy – I still need to talk to a lot of people. Chelsie – because here’s the thing just like me and you flipped the vote unintentionally flipped the vote. I think Quinn and Leah will flip the vote. Makensy – I think so. Chelsie – to get them back on their on the good side. So I think it has to be especially cuz if we are planning to get Kimo out versus Angela and I’m like I vote to hit Kimo and they’re like HUH?! I could totally see that happening! Oh God! Chelsie – You know!? Makensy – and if I did that if I saved Angela.. One, huge move on our part huge move for us huge resume builder and also and also dis-invalidates her game again. She didn’t save herself we did. So if she keeps going it’s like we can continually say like you didn’t do sh*t Angela but I will have a conversation with her and I’d be like by the way you have a lot to prove to me because you lied to me in the hopes that I lost that game. Because I will say that to her. I’ll be like you lied to me and I know you thought I was going to lose that. Chelsie – if you use it on Angela. Makensy – kill me if I use it on Angela! Chelsie – if you use it on Angela, who would you want me to put up next to Kimo? Quinn or Leah? Makensy – I think Quinn because we can beat Leah. We can beat Leah easier than we can beat Quinn. Also Quinn is a super fan. Quinn probably helps Leah think of things and Leah without Quinn is going to grasp the f**k on us. Chelsie – and then it’d be you Rubina, Tkor. Makensy – the only person we have to worry about this Cam.
Chelsie – If yeah, if we put Quinn.. Makensy – and because I also believe too, if we want to keep numbers on our side, we get a boy out. Angela would be, Angela would favor us. Makensy – Angela would favor us over Leah because she’s worried about Leah right now. Chelsie – Yes. So she would be favored by us… Makensy – If it’s Rubina and Tkor would still favor us because we would be doing something that keeps Kimo. Kimo would be here. Chelsie – and Rubina and Tkor already don’t favor Leah. Makensy – And so they put her up over us when it came down. Chelsie F it! Use it on Angela. Makensy – Gosh DAMN! Chelsie – so we need to talk to Cam. Cam wants to protect you at all costs.

12:25pm HOH room – Cam, Makensy, Leah, Rubina, Chelsie are all sitting around chatting.

12:55pm – 1:26pm Unicorn Bedroom – Angela and Makensy
Makensy – what is up? There’s nothing anything easy about this game. Angela – The numbers, I’m going home. I am almost 100% certain of it. I wanted to see if there was some way that myself, You, Leah and Chelsea could do something together. Makensy – okay. Angela – if all three of us are saying that we’re alone, why would we not? It doesn’t make sense. Makensy – No, that’s valid. I do see what’s going to happen. Like the trajectory of where this is going is, if I go home, Kimo stays. I do believe that Quinn is with them. Makensy – I just felt that I had gotten this far alone and it is hard to trust people in here and I’m not saying that I don’t trust you to say it’s just like when you play alone. It’s easier to make decisions alone and make it less personal. I found that myself as well and so and you can’t have anybody exactly and then nobody can control you and you owe no one anything. And so in a sense that is easier for me. But I also know that we’re getting to the 2nd half of the game. Things are gonna have to shift and big moves are going to have to be made. Angela – I’m very proud of you and Chelsea for being so independent and self-employment doing what you felt was right in that moment and I couldn’t have asked I’m very proud. I’ll just say that I’m very, very proud. Makensy – Thank you. The thing is, is that people will use whatever has happened from day 1 to make an excuse for something that happened. I walked in, and just the way I looked was an excuse to put me up. Not even anything I did, just the way I looked, because I was tall, and I’m built athletically. People thought I was the most athletic, even though I hadn’t won any challenges yet, or at least spoke about it, you know? You know I love her(Leah). You know I would never throw under the bus and I’m going to take her as far as I can but at the same time I know these two (Leah & Quinn) I know she’s denying it. That’s why she probably divide what happened last night. I don’t know and this is the thing we have to think about perception. I don’t know what I’m going to do right now, but I have a lot of things to figure out I’m not going to promise anybody anything, but I have a lot to figure out. You are my first conversation. I love her (Leah) and trust her in a sense, but I also know that Leah will do anything to put herself first in this game. I think she’s a very selfless person outside of this game. But I think that she will put herself in this game. She will say what she needs to say and make friends with who she needs to make friends with to make sure that she is in a good spot. Angela – I agree. Makensy – And last week she wasn’t in a good spot and she’s going to do things to fix that. She will flip on anyone if it benefits her. She’s flipped on my. Angela – she has flipped. I felt it last night. I don’t have the votes to stay. Makensy – I’m going to figure out stuff because I don’t f**k with people being here just gave me also.


I’ll be damned to get f**ked over on a week that I have power for once in my life absolutely not. I will be f**king damned so just know I respect honesty. I respect people’s words, and I know you have my back. I don’t think that you’re going to go against me. I don’t think if you want to put me up. Angela – I won’t, and I won’t.
Makensy – just know I know more than people think and I will be in a good position right now to change this game and to make people know that I’m not here to f**k around and that I will do what I need to do and I will beat who I need to beat. Angela – Thank you for being so open with me. I’m going to have a much better day now. Makensy – I don’t know what I am going to do yet. Angela – I’m not holding you to anything.

1:55pm HOH – Makensy, Tkor and Rubina.
Makensy – it’s not about saving, it’s about respect and in this game I do respect that she will respect who respects her. I think she’s a naive player to her own game. I think she does see things and I’m not saying that her perceptions always right but I do believe that she’s watched this game enough to know how to see things I just don’t think she can see herself which is a benefit. I am trying to think about how to use her in a sense that may benefit us. I love Leah there are things that have been said where I’m like what yeah yeah and she does think that she’s got everybody wrapped around her finger and I love that for her but like I mean she even thinks that she has Angela router on her finger and I’m like. yeah OK! Rubina – yeah, this is just open forum right? Makensy – yeah. Rubain – she is one to look out for and I’ve known that and like she I think she would put two girls up at the end of the day. I know that’s what worries me about the girl’s. I feel strongly about you Chelsie. Makensy – Leah is the one I’d be like you know she will do whatever best for her game.

2:10pm Kitchen – Angela and Chelsie
Chelsie – how did your talk go? Angela – I think it went well. I just. There’s a lot that was left unsaid. Maybe in that conversation. And I didn’t want to push it because I don’t want to lose trust. Chelsie – You feel like you didn’t get anything out of it? Angela – Not in that way. No, no, no, no. But then I had a good conversation with Makensy, and she’s going to talk to you. Chelsie – To me? Okay. Angela – you can see the smart girl, and she likes you. And I like her, and I like you. So, yeah. Chelsie – I’ll talk to Makensy, and we’ll see.

3pm HOH room – Tkor, Chelsie and Rubina.
Tkor – I trust that Makensy makes the best decision for her at the end of the day. She voted Tucker out. Rubina – she voted Joseph out. Chelsie – and at no point in Makensy’s conversation did she bring you two up being sketchy or anything. She is down to protect you two. She was just like I want to do what I what to do. Rubina – respect. Chelsie – knowing that it would make Cam, Leah and Quinn feel away but they don’t care about us in a way. Tkor – exactly. Chelsie – and Angela is just going to float wherever. But if any of us are on the block next to Leah… and Quinn and Angela are still here ..that is two votes for them. Rubina – exactly! I do think this is the best game move we could make at this point. Chelsie – its just crazy how things change because Angela was supposed to go this week. But who does Angela have? Rubina – Leah. Chelsie – and if she is gone she has to fall in line. Its just crazy how things change over night.

3:21pm Backyard. Makensy – I am sweating my d**k off out here! Damn!

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