After Big Brother 26 Made Another Reference To AI, Here’s How I Think It Could Impact The Game


Big Brother Season 26 is roughly a month away, but we’re slowly being drip-fed clues about what to expect for this upcoming season. On the heels of a logo reveal that had real techy vibes, we now have another hint that this season will lean into the world of computers and maybe even the trendy world of artificial intelligence. Is AI going to be used in the new season? If so, I have some thoughts on how it’ll be utilized.

Before I get to that, however, I should point to the latest sign that Big Brother is using AI in some way leading up to Season 26. The official Instagram account dropped a new series of pictures advertising the new season, but they seemed a little odd. Those who looked on mobile might’ve figured out why before those on desktop, as a disclaimer was attached noting that the pictures were created with AI:

Upon closer inspection, the picture does seem a little off. While I would assume there’s digital manipulation in just about every Big Brother promo picture, the background does seem like a “back rooms” sort of unnatural aesthetic that AI pictures often have. Suffice it to say, I’ll be there on Day 1 for the premiere and waiting to watch the live feeds with my Paramount+ subscription, but seeing as that day is far off, let’s speculate on how AI could impact the season.

Big Brother 26 Might Feature The First AI Houseguest

Big Brother has made great strides in fixing its casting, but even Season 25 couldn’t finish without having to eject Houseguest Luke Valentine. Let’s be honest – maybe the only way to create a perfect, unproblematic Houseguest would be to craft one via artificial intelligence. Honestly, I would be interested to see how it goes. If there was any way to hide the fact they were an AI from the rest of the house, all the better. Maybe this could be achieved by deceiving the house and convincing them one Houseguest is living in seclusion because of some punishment? Obviously, the charade would have to drop at some point, because how would we award AI prizes?


An AI Could Dictate Punishments, Have-Not’s, Twists

There used to be a point where Big Brother had some wildly upsetting Have-Not rooms and foods they had to eat that were just as bad. Unfortunately, the recent season punishments have felt uninspired, which is exactly where AI could step in. The show could prompt an artificial intelligence with the best way to make Houseguests miserable and execute whatever it comes up with. It’d be risky, considering an AI may not be hip to a show’s budgetary restraints and suggest something expensive, but as someone with no skin in footing the bill for it all,r I’d be willing to see how it pans out.

The Big Brother House Was Designed By AI

While it doesn’t factor into the overall game, the house design is important to the overall aesthetic of Big Brother. The wackiness of Season 25’s house will be hard to overcome, so maybe the only option to mix things up is to have an AI design the house in whatever way it sees fit, no matter how weird it may be.

I think the result of an AI designing the Big Brother house would be that some things appear slightly off or bizarre for no real reason other than computers not quite understanding human design. Of course, I would guess that the house can only be re-designed within reason, considering the show is unlikely to be doing a full house rebuild.

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