Big Brother 25 Episode 25 Recap: Cameron’s Reign Of Terror Continues


He may no longer be a BB zombie, but Cameron’s Big Brother reign of terror is far from over. As we saw last week, Cameron won the Resurrection Rumble, sending Jared home. Cameron would have been the likely next target, but in typical Cameron style, he’s not going back outside the house so easily.

Sunday night’s episode picks up right after Cameron won the rumble and Jared left the game for good.

Cirie and Blue are upset, but most everyone else is very happy that Cameron won over Jared. Jag and Matt have their new deal with Cameron, and Cory was the one who got Jared out in the first place. But they don’t have a to of time to even think about what just happened before it’s Head of Household time.

The houseguests head outside to see who gets the power this week. For this competition, the players have to complete a puzzle. The person to compete their puzzles first becomes the new Head of Household.

And after a really stretched out puzzle competition with every houseguest telling us how good or not good they are at puzzles, Cameron wins the competition. He went from evicted to HOH. And there are some not-very-happy people. Again.

Cameron tells Cirie that the last thing Jared told him was to take care of her. Cameron told Jared he’d do that. But Cirie isn’t sure if she can really work with Cameron or not. But she says she fells alone now that Jared is gone, so Cameron might not be a bad option for her.


But it’s Matt and Jag who Cameron is really focusing on as far as alliances go. They’re calling themselves the The Fugitives. So they talk about their hit list. Mecole, Felicia, Cirie and Cory’s names come up. So that is Cameron’s nominations roster. But which two names will show up on the memory wall?

Cameron does his HOH meetings, and he doesn’t exactly tell Felicia she’s going on the block, but she thinks she is. He does, however, tell Mecole that she’s going up, but she will not be in danger the week. So let’s get to the nomination ceremony and find out Chaos Cameron’s initial plan for the week (we all know this may not be his actual plan). But he does tell us she is 100 percent his target this week and he does not want Felicia in the jury house.

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