Big Brother 25 Final 2 Plan: Here’s What Matt & Jag Are Planning Ahead Of Finale Night!


Part 2 of the final HOH of “Big Brother 25″ was played Tuesday and — surprise, surprise — Jag won. So Jag and Matt will face off live on Thursday in Part 3 to become the final HOH.

Both Jag and Bowie apparently struggled in the comp, each taking more than an hour. Jag was on a high afterward, now feeling great about cutting Felicia over Matt than he did on Monday after losing Part 1. He congratulated Matt on making final two, indicating that he would take him, not Bowie, if he won Part 3.

Jag could just be telling Matt what he wants to hear, but it’s clear his Part 2 win has convinced him keeping Matt was the right move. It became more obvious he was sticking with his fellow Minutemen when Bowie asked for confirmation he would take her to final two and Jag kept it vague with about a 182 “mmhmms.” Jag is a terrible liar and hates confrontation, so why would he be up-front now?! Bowie called him out on having his eyes closed during the chat, to which he claimed it was because his contacts were out. She is definitely bothered now, but this is what you get when you ride with a duo and don’t take the shot you should’ve in the double eviction.


Since Jag doesn’t like to get blood on his hands, his other option is to throw Part 3 to Matt, who would never take Bowie. But that’s also dumb move. Just one more whole day left and things can get awkward now that Bowie knows she’s probably going out in third… the place she once claimed she was content finishing.

So what do you hope to see happen on the Finale Night? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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