Big Brother 25: Final Head Of Household Part 1 Results (Spoilers)


Big Brother 25’s Final 3 houseguests Matt Klotz, Bowie Jane, and Jag Bains play the first part of the final HOH competition. Find out who wins.

The Big Brother season 25 Final 3 contestants–Matt Klotz, Jag Bains, and Bowie Jane–have played Part 1 of the final Head of Household (HOH) competition, and Matt won. Matt, Jag, and Bowie made to the Big Brother 25 Final 3 when Jag decided to stay loyal to the Mafia alliance and evict Felicia Cannon after he won the Power of Veto. HOH Bowie had nominated Matt and Felicia for eviction.

The Big Brother 25 live feeds revealed that Matt won the first part of the final HOH competition. Based on the houseguests’ comments after the competition, it seems to have been a game of endurance. Bowie said that it was freezing during the competition. She also told Matt that she couldn’t think of anyone who could’ve beaten him in the competition. Jag later told Bowie that he really “fumbled” the first part of the competition, and now Matt won, which implies that Jag is more committed to his Final 2 with her than his Minutemen Final 2 alliance with Matt.

What Happens In the Final Big Brother 25 HOH Competition?

In Part 2 of the final Big Brother 25 HOH competition, Bowie and Jag will face off. The winner of that competition will then go head-to-head with Matt live on finale night in Part 3 to determine the final HOH of the season. It’ll be interesting to see who wins and which houseguest they’ll choose to sit next to in the Final 2 chairs. Bowie and Jag have promised to take each other to the end, and Jag even considered evicting Matt and keeping Felicia in the game instead this past week.



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Matt’s win in Part 1 of the Big Brother 25 HOH competition is fantastic for him because there’s a good chance that Bowie and Jag won’t choose him for the Final 2. Jag is most likely guaranteed the win versus Bowie, but it could go either way if Matt goes to the end with him. By securing the first win, Matt has guaranteed that he will compete for the final HOH on finale night. In the past, he’s done incredibly well under pressure, as he won both Power of Veto competitions during the double evictions.

As Big Brother 25 comes to its exciting conclusion, the houseguests will be forced to make some very difficult decisions. Jag and Bowie have already conspired against Matt when they came up with the plan to have Jag and Matt guess a number Bowie was thinking of in order to decide who would sit next to Felicia on the chopping block. They agreed that Bowie would say that Jag’s number was closer. Matt didn’t realize what was happening and still trusts them, so it’s good that he has this win under his belt. At this point, it’s hard to predict who’ll win the final HOH, so everyone should still “expect the unexpected.”

The final two Big Brother season 25 episodes will air Tuesday at 8 p.m. EST and Thursday at 8 p.m. EST on CBS.

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