Big Brother 25 Spoilers: America Wants To Die On Her Sword To Save Cory’s Game!


Monday afternoon inside the Big Brother 25 house was interesting. Jag followed through on his plan to blindside America and Cory by nominating them. Everyone in the house knew about the plan, but America and Cory. Therefore, the couple obviously (and as expected) don’t react well to the news.

However, they take different approaches to the news. This may result in varying strategies and reactions to this week’s blindside. America went to be alone and cry about the betrayal. Cory went to work to get to the root of this decision. America also told Jag to “fuck off,” when he offered to talk to her when she felt up to it.

America also wants to die on her sword for Cory. She feels guilty because she knows that her talking to Blue helped create this decision. However, Cory wanted America to fight for her game. He didn’t want her to make an emotional decision that she could regret later. They both agreed that they cared more about each other than the game. Cory also said he felt like he was in a weird position because he wanted America to stay, didn’t feel great working to get her out, and knew it would be hard for him to get the votes to stay. He also wanted both of them to stay in the game, but that’s impossible now.


America continued to try to get Cory to agree to let her sabotage her game so he could stay. She wanted to go “scorched earth,” so they would vote her out over him. However, Cory knew that that would probably just make them want to keep her more. It would show he’s a more composed player. Therefore, he would still be seen as a more dangerous player in the house. Cory also spoke with Matt, Cirie, and Bowie to try to save his game and repair these relationships to win votes. He also told Cirie that he would focus his campaigning on her, Bowie, and Felicia.

America and Cory also agreed that their campaigns would involve saying they would go after Matt and Jag if they stayed in the game. America agreed to fight for her own game but needed some time to process everything and let her anger lessen. It will be interesting to see if America gets her head back in the game, or if she goes balls to the wall to create havoc to try to ensure her eviction.

What do you think the next few days will look like within the Big Brother house? Do you think America will continue to want to sabotage her game to save Cory? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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