Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Cirie Reveals To Blue Her ‘Goodbye Message’ For Cory


It’s week 11 of Big Brother 25 and the jury is finally forming. This week Jag Bains won Head of Household and got a chance to be invisible for the week (though he decided to blow up his cover). He initially nominated Blue Kim and Felicia Cannon, but houseguests still had their eyes on America Lopez and Cory Wurtenberger with Cory being the target this week. Actually Cirie Fields even reached an extent of revealing to Blue her ‘Goodbye Message’ to him if he goes to the jury.

America and Cory are in a showmance on Big Brother 25 and the two are making plans for their future after the show. But that “showmance” and the double eviction week have only increased their threat level in the house. It doesn’t help that the showmance spends a lot more time cuddling together in front of other houseguests instead of strengthening their relationships with their allies. Well, Blue and Cirie are also upset about losing Jared Fields while America and Cory have each other.

Blue and Cirie talked in the early hours of Monday in the backyard. Immediately after Blue winning one of this week’s veto, she got excited that the plan for Cory to replace her and get evicted was finally happening. “They are too comfortable it’s disgusting,” Blue told the Cirie. They claimed the couple was cuddling during the competition. “While I was fighting for my life,” Blue said. “Do you understand how comfortable you gotta be to do that?” Cirie asked. Blue is excited to see the couple campaign against each other. Cirie plans to tell both of them they have her vote.


So what’s Cirie and Blue’s ‘Goodbye Message’ for Cory?

“I already thought of my speech or my goodbye message for Cory,” Cirie whispered to Blue. “It’s a good one too. ‘Cory, you told me I could never beat you in anything mental. But I would be smart enough to know not to canoodle with a showmance in this stage in the game. Give Cameron [Hardin] my love.’” She explained that Cory once said Cirie might take him down physically, but not mentally. The Traitors winner might change her message, but she said “give Cameron my love” will be part of it.

Blue giggled at this. “I’m gonna say something along the lines of, ‘I’ve been thinking about this too for a long time.’ It’s been changing […]” she said. It’s true that she has been targeting Cory ever since Jared’s eviction. She didn’t like how he put her on the block next to Jared after saying he wouldn’t.

The house is currently leaning towards evicting Cory tonight and it will happen unless something comes up before the live eviction show. And as we all know, evicted houseguests usually get to watch messages from the houseguests after their live interview with Julie Chen Moonves. However, Cameron didn’t react to any messages. We’ll have to wait and see if Cory ever sees what Cirie has to say.

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