‘Big Brother 25’ Spoilers: The Target Has Shifted And Matt Doesn’t Care


If it wasn’t clear before, we are in the darkest timeline of “Big Brother 25.” Jag won the Veto on Saturday, his sixth one of the season and eighth comp total. Yawn.

Jag is obviously not going to use the Veto, so Felicia and Cirie will remain on the block. He and Bowie started discussing the idea of booting Cirie instead of Felicia before noms, and now that’s the plan. If you thought Matt wouldn’t go for it, well, it didn’t take much from Jag and Bowie to convince him. There was no energy from him to try to save Cirie — the complete opposite of Jag trying to talk Cameron out of backdooring Cory. Plus, even if he were against it, he doesn’t have a say in the matter since Jag and Bowie are the only ones casting votes this week. Matt is continuing to promise Cirie that she is “good” this week, but she ain’t an idiot and knows she’s a goner. Great way to burn a jury vote.

We’re also now officially in the phase of the game when the dominating players act holier than thou and think they’re the only ones playing the game “the right way.” Matt, Jag and Bowie have named their trio the Mafia and are a tight little clique now, not sharing their HOH booze with Cirie and Felicia, and just gleefully trashing them. It’s a literal upstairs/downstairs situation here. Jag and Bowie have gotten particularly close, and Felicia warned Matt that the two were saying some not-so nice things about Matt, who relayed it to them. Bowie denied it and complained about Felicia talking to Matt — you know, playing the game. For someone who has never hit the block and cries when asked to be a pawn, Bowie believes Felicia — someone who’s been on the block seven times — is “too comfortable,” so she and Jag have tasked Matt with feeding Felicia’s paranoia and keeping her up at night. Meanwhile, Cirie and Felicia are unbothered, playing cards in their bedroom.


So now it’s just a countdown until Cirie’s departure on Thursday. The only hope left for a shake-up after that is a Felicia HOH win.

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