Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Will Blue Be The Next Target?


Is it crazy how fast some things can change within the Big Brother 25 house? This is what it feels like with what we’ve seen today.

Even the past hours, in general, have been somewhat of a whirlwind. We’ve gone from thinking that Cory would be backdoored to watching Jag work to convince Cameron out of it, to seeing Blue become more of the target after Felicia likely goes home over Mecole on Thursday.


So how did we get here? It seems like Cameron may have caused some trouble by betraying Blue to Cory earlier today. Cameron made it clear that she was advocating for a backdoor plan, which may have influenced Matt and Jag to suggest the idea to Cory later on. It’s possible that they did this to make it seem like they weren’t keeping secrets from Cory and to shift some of the blame onto Cameron.


(Remember, Matt was pushing for this at one point.) We do think that personally, another component in all of this is Matt wanting to have Cirie close, which means on some level that she can’t have a lot of other allies elsewhere. This is the narrative we’ve seen from him, at least, so far.

On the other hand, Matt, Jag, and Bowie are currently discussing potentially keeping Felicia, but the problem is that they’d need another vote and we know that Cory and America aren’t thrilled with her after the Veto Ceremony earlier on. If they can get Blue, maybe they’d have a little more of a chance.

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