Big Brother 25: Week 13 Nominations Made By HOH (Spoilers)


The Big Brother 25 week 13 Head of Household (HOH) has nominated two houseguests for eviction. Find out who’s in danger of heading to the jury.

The Big Brother 25 week 13 Head of Household (HOH), Matt Klotz, has nominated two houseguests for eviction: Felicia Cannon and Cirie Fields. This is Felicia’s seventh time on the chopping block and Cirie’s second. With just five players left in the game, (Matt, Felicia, Cirie, Jag Bains, and Bowie Jane), Matt is going to be forced to betray one of his allies this week because he has alliances with every remaining houseguest. However, his truest one is his Minutemen alliance with Jag.

The Big Brother 25 live feeds have revealed that Matt nominated Felicia and Cirie for eviction. Matt assured Bowie and Jag that they’re not his targets. Before the nomination ceremony though, Matt told Felicia that he needed her to be a pawn this week because Bowie is his target. Matt explained that putting Jag or Bowie up initially will force them to fight harder for the Power of Veto. Matt reassured Felicia that if Bowie wins the Power of Veto, Cirie will be going home. However, Matt also told Cirie that Felicia is the target, but, if Felicia wins the Power of Veto, he’ll nominate Bowie, and she’ll be evicted.

The Big Brother 25 Week 13 Power Of Veto Is Very Important

Matt told Jag that he came up with a plan to keep Cirie and Felicia calm by telling them that he plans to backdoor Jag, but they agreed that they’d never believe it. However, Matt did speak to Cirie about possibly nominating Jag if he or she wins the Power of Veto. But, he told her that he was concerned that Bowie and Felicia might target him if Jag was gone, since he can’t play for HOH next week. He wondered if eliminating Jag this early would be the best move for him. Matt later told Jag about this conversation. It actually seems that Felicia is the true target.



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Although Matt has reassured Jag that he won’t backdoor him this week, Matt has spoken to Cirie about possibly backdooring him before. A conversation like this was even shown on Thursday night’s live double eviction episode. It’s a tricky situation for Matt because, although he definitely has a better chance of winning the $750,000 grand prize versus Bowie, Felicia, or Cirie, he might not get to the Final 2 without Jag. If he’s ineligible to play for HOH next week and doesn’t win the Power of Veto, the women will surely vote him out.

This is one of the most unevenly matched Big Brother seasons in the show’s history. While Jag is a competition beast, Bowie, Felicia, and Cirie have relied more on their social games. Matt is probably the most well-rounded houseguest, which will make him a big target moving forward. While he needs Jag in the game to move forward, his best move this week might be backdooring him. It’s a complicated week, and everyone should definitely “expect the unexpected.”

Big Brother 25 airs Sundays at 10 p.m. EDT, Tuesdays at 8 p.m. EDT, and Thursdays at 9 p.m. EDT on CBS.

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