Big Brother 25: Week 14 Head Of Household Results (Spoilers)


The Big Brother week 14 Head of Household competition played out live after the eviction. Find out who won and guaranteed their spot in the Final 3.

The Big Brother 25 week 14 Head of Household (HOH) competition played out live on the November 2 episode, and the new HOH is Bowie Jane. After Survivor legend Cirie Fields was evicted by Bowie and Jag Bains, Bowie, Jag, and Felicia Cannon competed in the HOH game. As the outgoing HOH, Matt Klotz was ineligible to play. The game was a Q&A about a Chenbot comic book featuring Big Brother host Julie Chen Moonves. The competition came down to a tiebreaker between Jag and Bowie. Bowie’s guess was closest to the actual answer, and so she won, guaranteeing her place in the Final 3.

The Big Brother 25 live episode revealed that Bowie won the week 14 HOH competition. She’s currently in an alliance called The Mafia with Jag and Matt. Their target will most likely be Felicia, who was almost evicted this week before Jag and Bowie decided to flip the vote and send Cirie to the jury house instead. This is Bowie’s third HOH win of the season, but her most impressive feat has been that she’s never been nominated for eviction all season.

Which Houseguest Makes The Most Sense For Bowie Jane To Target?

Although Bowie will have to nominate two houseguests for eviction, this week the Power of Veto matters most. Whichever houseguest wins the Power of Veto will cast the sole vote to decide who’ll join them and Bowie in the Final 3. Bowie’s target should probably be Jag this week because he’s virtually unbeatable, but she’ll probably decide to evict Felicia because she’s not in The Mafia alliance.



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This is a crucial moment for Bowie in the game. Of the four remaining houseguests, she probably has the lowest chance of winning Big Brother 25 considering her track record. Although she’s won three HOH competitions, they all came in the second half of the game. For the first several weeks, Bowie barely played, which obviously was a good strategy for her. However, Jag’s competition record, Matt’s social game, and Felicia’s defensive play of surviving seven weeks on the block (which will most likely become eight this week), will probably sway the jury more.

This week’s events will happen quickly because Sunday is the next eviction. Bowie is the only houseguest who’s safe, and she’ll have to make careful decisions in order to put herself in the best position to win the final HOH competition of the season in which she will be eligible to play even though she’s currently the HOH. It’ll be harder for her to beat Matt and Jag in any endurance competition than Felicia, so it might be in her best interest to keep Felicia in the game. However, the Power of Veto winner is actually the houseguest who holds all of the power this week.

Big Brother 25 airs Sundays at 10 p.m. EDT, Tuesdays at 8 p.m. EDT, and Thursdays at 9 p.m. EDT on CBS.

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