Big Brother 25’s Cory Wurtenberger Reveals The Moment He Instantly Stopped Trusting Jag


Big Brother 25 is over, but the cast can finally talk about the game openly. Cory Wurtenberger and Jag Bains waste no time sharing their thoughts.

Big Brother season 25 may have ended, but now that the houseguests are able to freely talk about the ins and outs of the game without constraints, Cory Wurtenberger and Jag Bains are being brutally honest about their relationship. Cory, who initially aligned with Cirie Fields, Jared Fields, and Izzy Gleicher in the house, wasn’t aligned with Jag for several weeks. Despite actively working against one another on Big Brother 25, Cory and Jag developed a friendship and often spent time together late at night along with America Lopez. When Cory, America, Jag, and Matt Klotz began to work together midway through the game, the initial power structure crumbled.

In a clip from a recent Instagram Live shared by @realkare on Twitter, Cory explained that even though they were working together, “every one of us [was] suspicious of Jag” throughout different moments the game. Jag, who was also present on the Instagram Live, asked, “Why were you suspicious of me and not Matt, Cory?” The Big Brother 25 houseguests were clearly sharing a joke, but Cory provided a legitimate answer to his question. “Honestly? When you entered strategic talks mode, you were a nightmare,” Cory explained as Jag laughed at the critique.

Cory continued, “You were the chillest and most fun person to hang out with in the house by far, and then we’d start talking strategy and you became the most solemn.” While Jag didn’t share whether he agreed with the criticism, he clearly enjoyed hearing Cory’s take on his gameplay.

Jag Bains’ Big Brother 25 Gameplay Explained

While Cory’s analysis of Jag’s game may not have been the most complimentary, that didn’t make it untrue. Jag wound up winning the Big Brother 25 crown, but his strategic nature in the game wasn’t always up to the standards of other houseguests. When Jag was involved in strategic conversations he may not have been interested in, he consistently would physically shut down. Jag would speak more slowly, repeat thoughts back to whoever he was talking to multiple times, and generally did his best to mull over the conversation in a mind-numbing way. It was far too obvious from an outside perspective that Jag was disinterested, which hurt his game.


Throughout Big Brother 25, Jag’s gameplay was criticized both inside and outside the house. While he was doing his best to play a strategic game, there was a high sense of distrust surrounding Jag, and his threat level was high, due to his efforts at physical competitions. He was originally unanimously evicted during week 4 but was saved by Matt’s BB Power of Invincibility. Despite the fact that he was a massive threat, Jag’s target shrank midway through the game as other power players like Jared and Cameron Hardin became more threatening. After getting the major physical threats out, Jag orchestrated Cory’s eviction in week 11.

While the jury of 7 chose the winner of Big Brother 25 just last week, Jag’s gameplay has already been deconstructed in order to see how he made it to the end and won. While the same moments Cory shared in the Instagram Live could be considered strengths for Jag, his outward reaction to information and strategy was a huge issue in his gameplay. Even though Jag’s demeanor caused a level of distrust, it was clear that his game was ultimately superior to Matt’s, which helped him to bring home the Big Brother grand prize.

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