Big Brother 26: Cam’s ‘Dawgs At The Crib’ Finally Make Themselves Known After Weeks Of Mystery


Houseguests giving shout-outs during the eviction vote has long been a polarizing part of the game, but in Big Brother 26, many seem to think it’s rather amusing. This is thanks to the unique phrase now turned iconic by Cam Sullivan-Brown, a Houseguest who has only become more popular as the game goes on. I’ve loved hearing Cam say “Shout out all my dawgs at the crib,” every week, and now we’re finally getting to see who his friends are after weeks of mystery.

Before we get to that, though, let’s recap every time Cam has uttered this iconic phrase without revisiting every episode with a Paramount+ subscription. Fortunately, fans like @TornadoPuppy have been keeping tabs every week, resulting in a handy video detailing every time he’s said it, as seen below.

While Cam has remained steadfast in his journey to show his friends love every week, those streaming Big Brother’s live feeds caught him expressing doubt that they’re actually watching him. Cam is presumably still in the dark about whether they are or not, but his friends created a dedicated X account to ensure any Big Brother fans who were curious that they are keeping up with the show.

At first, there was some obvious skepticism. After all, people on X have all been changing their handles and making memes about the “Dawgs at the crib,” and we’re all aware catfishing is a common thing that happens. That said, the account has posted some receipts of pictures and video with Cam:

Those still doubting can search the page for additional photos and videos of Cam with his friends, but I feel more convinced than not that this page is legit. Granted, I’m not sure if the page is collaboratively owned by all of his friends or if it’s just one guy running it. Whatever the case, it seems the Week 6 Veto winner’s friends are watching and rooting him on during Big Brother Season 26.

It’s a good time to be a Cam fan, especially after Chelsie Baham’s Week 8 HOH win. He’s safe for another week following the big plans for the Week 8 veto, and it’s looking likely he may be the final guy to be in the game in a couple of weeks. He’s also showing a lot more of his personality, which his friends are confirming is more how he is usually:

It might’ve taken the Big Brother Houseguest some time to come out of his shell, but the good news is he’s doing it at the perfect time. There’s still plenty of game left for him to make a run at winning Season 26 and getting paid that $750,000 grand prize as opposed to what Houseguests usually earn for making the jury. I’m eager to see if he can pull it off, though, perhaps not as eager as his friends watching back home.

Big Brother airs on CBS on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:00 p.m. ET and on Sundays at 9:00 p.m. ET. Shout-out to everyone watching this season and checking CinemaBlend for updates, as this season is one in which you want to keep tabs on every little detail that’s going on!

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