Big Brother 26 Spoilers: Tucker Has A Meltdown After Veto Ceremony Doesn’t Go His Way


It’s been a busy day as T’Kor finally had to name someone as a replacement nominee. She was torn all weekend about whether to nominate Angela or Leah. Cam won the Power of Veto, so T’Kor had to pick someone she was okay with risking their game. Her gut told her that Angela should be the replacement nominee, but she didn’t want to risk Angela exposing 6th Avenue. She also didn’t want to risk not having the numbers to keep Tucker in the game.

Ultimately, the pre-Veto Ceremony chaos made T’Kor decide to nominate Angela. Angela then apparently exposed 6th Avenue but left Joseph’s name out. She also threw Quinn under the bus and rolled the bus even further over Tucker’s game.

Tucker immediately began to feel emotional about everything that happened during the Veto. He talked about officially being done in the game. He planned to throw the AI Arena and tell them to vote him out on Thursday. However, Rubina, Quinn, and T’Kor tried to get him back in the game.

T’Kor was also feeling emotional because she felt like she hurt a lot of players with her decision to nominate Angela. Tucker was also not happy that T’Kor still nominated Angela, even after she betrayed him. He thought Leah was the better move for the week.


Tucker’s rants included believing that he was trying to play the game fearless but everyone else was playing scared. He wanted to change the game. He said T’Kor’s decision confirmed that no one wanted to make big moves. Angela exposing him after he saved her with the Veto showed he couldn’t trust anyone in the game.

He was trying to play truthful but no one else had the same belief. T’Kor and he had a long talk and that seemed to (at least temporarily) put a bit of a fighting spirit in him. However, he continues to state that he plans to go home Thursday by purposely losing the AI Arena competition, and then, asking the houseguests to vote him out.

Tucker said the house was making him miserable and he just wanted to get back to his life and dog. He told Rubina and Kimo that he wanted to see one of them win the game. Rubina doesn’t quite believe that Tucker will purposely lose AI Arena.

She thinks he’ll win or change his tune by Thursday about wanting to leave the game. As of now, he seems serious about just going home.

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