Big Brother 26 Week 11 Power Of Veto Results (SPOILERS)


The Big Brother 26 week 11 Power of Veto competition has been played, and its winner is current Head of Household (HOH) Makensy Manbeck. Makensy won the Big Brother 26 week 11 HOH competition, which was the Tiny HOH, in which the houseguests have to stack small objects using giant tweezers. Makensy nominated Kimo Apaka and Rubina Bernabe for eviction, keeping her allies, Chelsie Baham and Cam Sullivan-Brown safe. Kimo was Makensy’s target.

The Big Brother 26 live feeds have revealed that HOH Makensy Manbeck won the Power of Veto competition, which was the iconic BB Comics competition.

The Big Brother 26 live feeds have revealed that HOH Makensy won the Power of Veto competition, which was the iconic BB Comics competition. She now holds all of the power for the week. Although her original target was Kimo, she’s now considering changing one of her nominations and going after Cam.

After Makensy won the Power of Veto competition, she and Chelsie shared their suspicions about Cam’s poor BB Comics performance. They were concerned that he’s been throwing competitions, and he would eventually nominate them. Chelsie thought that Cam would align with Rubina. She was upset by his poor performance in competitions. However, Chelsie then told Cam that Makensy was considering nominating him.

What Makensy’s Week 11 Power Of Veto Win Means For Big Brother 26
Makensy Once Again Holds All Of The Power

For the second week in a row, Makensy holds all of the power in Big Brother 26. She won both the week 10 HOH and Power of Veto competitions, and ended up turning on her ally, Leah Peters, which resulted in Leah’s eviction. Then, during the double eviction, Chelsie won HOH, and they finally evicted Angela Murray. Now the power is in Makensy’s hands again. Makensy targeted one of her allies, Leah, before, so it wouldn’t be surprising if she named Cam as the replacement nominee if she thinks that it’s best for her game.

Our Take On Big Brother 26 Week 11 Nominations Made By HOH


Makensy Must Consider Her Options Carefully

Although many fans thought that Makensy tanked her game when she evicted her ally, Leah, it seems that she and Chelsie have now teamed up, and they’ve become a power duo. However, Makensy has to be very careful with her next move because she’ll be vulnerable when she’s ineligible to play in next week’s HOH competition as the outgoing HOH.

If Makensy leaves her nominations the same, Kimo will most likely be heading to the jury house. This would leave Rubina with no allies, which would almost guarantee that Makensy, Chelsie, and Cam will make it to the final three, unless Rubina wins HOH, which she’s never done before. However, if the houseguests evict Cam, Kimo and Rubina will still be in the game as a duo, and Chelsie will be left with no other allies, which will force her to continue to work with Makensy.

Another option, which Kimo and Rubina are hoping for, is that Makensy saves one of them from eviction and nominates Chelsie. That would lead to a tiebreaker vote, which Makensy would have the power to break. If she evicted Chelsie, she’d be vulnerable because she can’t play for HOH, but she could most likely easily beat Rubina, Kimo, and Cam in the Power of Veto competition.

However, it’s unlikely that Makensy will take out Chelsie at this point in the game, unless she finds out that Chelsie told Cam about their plan. It’s unclear if Chelsie wanted to warn Cam to protect him, or because she wants him gone, but decided to make Makensy look like the villain. If Makensy uses the Power of Veto, she’ll continue the streak of it being used every time so far this season. Makensy’s next move is going to be crucial, and it could set her up to win Big Brother 26.

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