Big Brother Spoilers: Who Won The Week 12 Veto, And How It Snowballed Into Major Trouble For Cirie


Cirie Fields has managed to keep a target off her back throughout the majority of Big Brother Season 25, but it’s looking like she now has one that she won’t be able to shake off. New Head of Household Jag Bains didn’t have plans for Cirie after nominating Blue Kim and America Lopez for eviction, but that may change following the result of the veto competition.

Big Brother is currently streaming online for those with a Paramount+ subscription and, like so many, we here at CinemaBlend have been checking it out. As a result, we know the results of the latest veto competition. So let’s discuss that as well as how Cirie landed in hot water and how it could result in her eviction — possibly this week or the week after.

Jag Won The Week 12 Veto

Jag has been on an absolute tear in Season 25 and just captured his fifth consecutive competition win. It’s a feat that wouldn’t have been possible had the producers not allowed him to compete again for HOH following his “invisible HOH” week. But you can’t fault him for winning at every chance he gets. At this point, losing may just send him to jury, so he might as well win everything he can.

Felicia Might’ve Created Big Problems For Cirie

Jag wants to evict Blue this week, and it’s really working out for him so far. That’s because Blue does not suspect she’s the target even a little bit. Unfortunately though, Felicia Johnson decided to go to Jag and Matt Klotz and tell them that she saw Cirie attempting to warn Blue about being their primary target.


The conversation helped the power duo realize they’re not safe with Felicia and Cirie both in the house and, unfortunately for Felicia, she might’ve talked herself into being on the block next week. Even more unfortunate for Cirie is that she’s now sitting with a target on her back that could get her sent home next week or this week. Of course, that all depends on how conversations that are had over the next day and a half go.

Now, the good news is that if anyone but Matt wins the upcoming HOH, I don’t think Felicia and Cirie have anything to worry about. It’s clear that Matt and Jag are the much bigger threats to everyone’s game at this stage. They can’t just leave Jag in the game and continue to win and, if he takes the veto, Matt’s theoretical elimination would, at the very least, lessen Jag’s influence in the votes. So, assuming Jag doesn’t get Cirie out this week, I would say she still has a fair chance of escaping this situation unscathed. This is all pretty miraculous considering her status as a Survivor legend, but should we expect anything less at this point?

Big Brother airs on CBS on Sundays at 10:00 p.m. ET, Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. ET, and on Thursdays at 9:00 p.m. ET. Now is a great time to watch the live feeds and keep a close eye on Cirie, specifically how she might react when learning that Felicia threw her under the bus.

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