Blue Bloods Season 13 Episode 20: Danny Protects Baez, But Where Will It Lead?


Blue Bloods Season 13 Episode 20 spoilers say that Danny must protect Baez and her baby girl from a former arrestee who wants revenge.

If this were a Baez/Danny fanfiction, this dangerous situation would lead to the pair admitting their true feelings. But will Blue Bloods go there?

Sadly, this scenario will probably remain only in the imagination of Baez/Danny shippers. The writers and actors have said in multiple interviews that pairing these two off would be problematic, as they wouldn’t be able to work together anymore, and there’d be limited story options.

That’s more or less what’s happened to Jamie and Eddie. Since their wedding, they’ve rarely shared scenes except at Sunday dinner, which is heartbreaking for the couple’s fans.

Even if it doesn’t lead to romance, scenes of Baez and Danny in close proximity could deepen their relationship.

Many police shows use the “work spouse” trope, in which partners are as close to one another as a married couple. This could certainly be the case for Baez and Danny, even if they never become romantic partners!

If Danny has to be with Baez 24/7 to protect her, that could lead to the type of emotional intimacy that makes them a popular pairing, regardless of where their relationship goes afterward.

And as a bonus, we’ll get to spend time with Baez’s adorable little girl, who hasn’t been on-screen since Baez adopted her a year ago!

It’s unclear precisely what the threat is; the spoiler video only depicts Baez saying it’s her “turn” for someone to get out of jail and threaten her.

Surprisingly, this scenario doesn’t seem connected to the drug cartel boss who almost got away with his crimes on Blue Bloods Season 13 Episode 19. Rodriguez has threatened Danny’s family and Danny but has not gotten his way — why wouldn’t he threaten Baez next?

However, it’s not him; it’s someone Baez once arrested. Judging from how frequently it happens on cop shows, criminals getting revenge on the cops that arrested them is a considerable risk law enforcement officers encounter on the job!

How can Danny protect Baez and still attend to his other job duties? He’s a detective, not a security guard or safe house employee. Or will he take a leave of absence to deal with this?

Frank’s friend Lenny Ross returns to New York. Where Lenny goes, trouble is sure to follow.

Aware of this, Frank doubts Lenny’s official reason for visiting the Big Apple and tries to find out what’s happening. How will the Dream Team feel about that?

It can’t look good for Frank to devote police resources to investigating his old friend, and Sid won’t like the idea of looking into what a former cop is up to — even if that cop is Lenny!


It would be a pleasant surprise if Lenny were on the up-and-up for once, but what kind of story would that be?

Meanwhile, Anthony’s cousin Joey is also back.

Joey is the black sheep of Anthony’s family, always involved in some scheme or other that causes chaos, and Anthony somehow ends up in the middle of it every time.

Spoilers say that Joey begs Anthony for a favor, which the investigator will regret getting involved with.

Somehow, Joey’s latest scheme sucks Anthony into an underground crime ring. Will Anthony infiltrate the ring and bring the bad guys to justice, or will he get in over his head and end up in trouble himself?

We haven’t heard about Erin’s DA campaign lately — is she still running? Anthony’s involvement with Joey and an organized crime ring could harm her campaign if she is.

All she needs are attack ads claiming she works with Mafia hitmen. Those ads would stereotype Italians like Anthony in the worst possible way, but if Erin’s opponents don’t mind slinging ultra-low blows, they might go there.

Erin has been losing enthusiasm for the race since that image consultant made her wear those suits that didn’t match her personality. Could this latest incident be the one that spurs her to throw in the towel?

Of course, if Erin does that, Crawford will likely remain her boss, and nobody wants that. But Erin’s heart doesn’t appear to be in politics, so is she the right person to challenge Crawford for the DA seat?

Badillo is back — where was he last week while Eddie was dealing with that ridiculous protester?

He’s bringing drama with him this time. According to spoilers, Eddie advises him on what to do when his ex-girlfriend is physically attacked.

Badillo needs to be careful; if there’s any chance he could be implicated in the attack, even if innocent, he needs to do damage control.

Eddie’s also prone to getting overly involved and putting her two cents in where it’s not wanted, so let’s hope she backs off if Badillo doesn’t want her help.

Your turn, Blue Bloods fanatics. Hit the big, blue SHOW COMMENTS button, and tell us what you think about these spoilers!

Don’t forget you can watch Blue Bloods online while waiting for the newest episode to air.

Blue Bloods airs on CBS on Fridays at 10 PM EST / PST.

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