Felicia Cannon Reaches Breaking Point On Big Brother, Shuts Down The Kitchen On Mafia Alliance


The Big Brother live feeds showed Felicia Cannon getting frustrated with other houseguests.

Matt Klotz, Jag Bains, and Bowie Jane had been non-commital about who was getting voted out, and Felicia felt slighted for them not hanging out with her.

Once Matt became Head of Household, the trio (the Mafia alliance) began spending most of their time in the HOH Room.

It seemed that they would only emerge when it was time to eat or participate in Week 13 events.

Meanwhile, the trio has also assured Felicia and Cirie Fields that they are safe. They have played mind games to keep the ladies from preparing for future competitions.

Matt, Jag, and Bowie Jane also said they planned to keep the ladies guessing on eviction day so that they would be more focused on surviving than preparing.

A strategy to punish Felicia and Cirie

Below is a video from the live feeds that shows Matt, Jag, and Bowie Jane planning how to keep Felicia and Cirie from getting ready for new challenges.

Something Jag also mentioned in the conversation was how he felt bullied earlier in the season by Cirie and that this was him returning the favor.

Felicia goes off to Cirie in the kitchen

Here is a video of Felicia reaching her breaking point. She was in the kitchen with Cirie on Wednesday night, where they discussed how they felt alienated from the rest of the BB25 cast.


That’s when Felicia declared that she wouldn’t be cooking any longer for the younger houseguests.

For much of the season, Felicia has prepared meals for many of the other players.

“If they can’t hold a conversation with me, I sure ain’t cooking you any more damn food!!” Felicia says to Cirie.

While Felicia and Cirie chatted in the kitchen, the three members of the Mafia alliance were hanging out together upstairs.

This upcoming video shows what they were doing upstairs as Felicia cleaned the kitchen again and Cirie egged her on. Cirie knows how to get Felicia going on her rants.

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