General Hospital: An Old Love Triangle Is REVIVED


General Hospital is a constant obstacle course in Port Charles. Who knows what will happen next? Curtis held his 50th birthday party at the Metro Court pool just a few episodes ago. He had no idea that only a few days later, everything in his life would collapse right there. At this point, Curtis is faced with a decision where taking the incorrect path appears like the best course. But if he does, he might send his eternal happiness flying into someone else’s face! In the given situation, may it be the best course of action? Find out by reading on!

Curtis Struggles With His New Reality

Recently, on General Hospital, Port Charles residents witnessed a terrifying shoot-out at the Metro Court pool. While, the real target of the incident is yet unknown, Curtis Ashford became collateral damage in the tragedy. He took a bullet near his spine, and the removal surgery left him paralyzed. Curtis’ entire world came crashing down when he woke up and realized that he couldn’t move. It is certain that Portia will try to lend her utmost support and care to her husband in this testing time, but will Curtis really be receptive of it?

The latest General Hospital preview video shows Curtis telling Portia that if he can’t walk again then she needs to let him go. While, we are sure Portia will fight back to remain by Curtis’ side, he seems to have made it rather obvious that he would prefer otherwise. Hence, we can expect to see Curtis cold-shouldering Portia in the upcoming episodes. Perhaps in the hope that she would leave him behind and start a fresh life without him being a burden on her. But would this trick really work?

Portia Finds Solace In Taggert’s Arms On General Hospital

It was inevitable that Portia would defend General Hospital and maintain her position. To convince Curtis that there is still hope, she would exert all of her efforts. Although paralysis is a terrible tragedy, it is by no means the end of the world. Despite their physical limitations, many people have gone on to lead fulfilling lives. She might not get much of a response from Curtis, though. He might even go to drastic methods to drive his wife even further from him. From ignoring her to acting inappropriately around her.

While Portia may weather it all in the beginning, in the end, she is just as human as the rest of us. Curtis’ bitterness might start to eventually get to her on General Hospital. Currently, she is finding support from her friend, Liz. However, she may soon start seeking solace in a long-lost partner, who, too, is struggling these days. A while ago, General Hospital revealed Curtis as Trina’s bio-dad. Thus, ripping that place away from Marcus Taggert. Ever since then, all Taggert has been doing is wallowing in his pain and sneaking alcohol in public places.

Perhaps Portia and Taggert will share a drink in a bar at some time to drown their sorrows. And we’ve been fans of soap operas for far too long to be in the dark about the outcome! Portia and Taggert might end up in one other’s arms as a result of the agony and alcohol’s combination! If that occurs, Curtis might be successful in getting Portia to go, but will he be able to take it if she rekindles her ex-husband’s passions? In the comments, please. For additional General Hospital updates, check out TV Season & Spoilers in the interim.

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