General Hospital: Nik’s Return Makes Way For This UNEXPECTED Pairing


There are some incredibly exciting episodes coming up on General Hospital. Michael holds Sonny’s SEC secret in the palm of his hand; Sonny and Nina recently got married. So, the only questions are when and how he would reveal Nina. It’s going to be an exciting ride, whatever he decides to do! But there will be more excitement than just that! Nikolas Cassadine is still alive and well, as far as we know.

Moreover, he is getting active on the soap now! He recently sent a rather smart hint to Laura, letting her know that he is very much alive! Thus, it is only a matter of time before he returns home to Port Charles. And when he does, oh boy! It’s going to be storm. But it will be storm that will bring two nemesis’ together! How and why? Let’s find out!

Nik Arrives In Port Charles, Makes A Shocking Demand

It is difficult to think Laura will stop at Genera Hospital now that she is aware of her son’s survival. In actuality, Spencer is now aware of it as well. Nik will therefore eventually need to return home. Since he won’t be participating in the drama, it really doesn’t make sense to keep him alive and on the canvas! Better yet, write his own original play! And based on rumors, the creator appears to have selected the latter! With multiple General Hospital missions on his mind, Nik will soon return to Port Charles!

Of course, there is a the little matter of dealing with ex-wife Ava, for almost killing him, then leaving him for the dead. That is, if she survives the mess she is currently trapped in with Mason! Moving on to the second mission he may have in mind, Esme and Ace! The biggest reason why Nik was panicking about Esme being pregnant with his baby was Ava. Back then, the two had finally started to make some progress in mending their marriage. So he did not want to rock that boat. But quite honestly, that boat has long sunk! So why not claim what’s his!


Spencer and Esme Unite To Fight Nik

There has been a lot of talk for a while now about something significant upending Trina and Spencer’s relationship on General Hospital. And we were quite sure Esme had something to do with the majority of that buzz! We were unaware of the potential trigger that would bring Esme and Spencer so close! But Nik appears to be the solution that we’ve identified! Recent events have demonstrated that The Dark Prince is capable of going quite dark when he so chooses. Ultimately, the Cassadine genes must manifest themselves somehow! Is it not? Therefore, it wouldn’t be shocking if Nik appeared and demanded that Ace be taken from Esme!

Given Esme’s current circumstances, it is certain that she can’t face Nik and his Cassadine wealth and connection all alone. So she will definitely be needing some help. And apart from her, who else will suffer the loss of Ace, if Nik took him? Spencer of course! Thus, it only makes sense that Spencer will join forces with Esme to keep Nik away from Ace. In the process, there is a possibility that Spencer and Esme’s closeness might push Trina away. Esme has shown an interest in Spencer on many occasions! Do you think she would take advantage of the situation and use it in securing Spencer for herself?

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