General Hospital Recap: Carly Spencer Can’t Talk Sense Into Her Clueless Son


The GH recap for June 5, 2023, has Carly Spencer going in circles with Michael.

The General Hospital recap features Carly Spencer being incredulous that her son wants her to put his father in jail — and likely get them all killed in the process.

General Hospital Recap Highlights

In this episode, Carly and Michael argued about the Pikeman shipment video while Josslyn tried to put that out of her mind as she had sex with Dex. Spencer told Trina what he really thought of the evidence against Esme that Victor left them as Portia was overjoyed by a surprise visitor. Brook Lynn and Chase enjoyed some time at the Metro Court pool but not for long. Finally, Ava learned just what Mason wanted from her. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into the details.

General Hospital Recap: Carly Spencer Has A Big Problem

Carly (Laura Wright) was shocked to learn that Willow (Katelyn MacMullen) knew about the Pikeman video Michael (Chad Duell) had on a flash drive. She also agreed with her that the footage needed to be destroyed ASAP. Michael argued with her that the video was her only chance to go free. When Carly worried that Dex would go to prison, Michael told her that he was the one who hired Dex.

He still insisted that Carly use the flash drive to turn on Sonny and get herself a deal with the feds, but Carly refused. Michael tried to use the family card, claiming Donna needed a parent. Carly argued that she would have Sonny, but Michael counter-argued that he and Joss needed Carly, as well. Carly finally explained the obvious to her son, something he should have thought of from the start. If Sonny goes to jail, the entire family would be targeted by his enemies, and he would be unable to protect them.

General Hospital: Carly Spencer Points Out The Obvious

Despite Carly correctly pointing out that is what happened when Sonny was in Nixon Falls, Michael just didn’t see it that way. An exasperated Carly couldn’t even believe that Michael would want to send his father to prison just because he had chosen another life. Yes, he hurt them, but this was too much and too dangerous. Still, Michael left the flash drive on the kitchen counter in the hopes his mother would lose her senses and listen to her clueless children.

GH Recap: Young Couples In Love

Joss (Eden McCoy) kissed Dex (Evan Hofer) as soon as she said he was in love with her and they ended up having sex and getting a choreographed love scene despite them having sex almost every time they see one another. During the afterglow, Dex reiterated his love for Josslyn but didn’t expect her to say it in return. Joss admitted she was nervous to say those three little words again after the heartbreak after Oscar’s (Garren Stitt) death and what happened with Cameron (William Lipton).

Although Joss still couldn’t use the ‘word’ love, she and Dex did get a romance montage flashback to go with their choreographed love scene. After that, they talked about Sonny (Maurice Benard) again, and then, Joss finally declared that she loves Dex.

Trina (Tabyana Ali) was thrilled with the evidence that Victor (Charles Shaughnessy) left Spencer (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) to help bring Esme (Avery Kristen Pohl) down and send him to prison, but Spencer remained skeptical. She wanted to head straight to the Port Charles Police Department but Spencer stopped her. He said he’d take care of things without her and Trina was immediately suspicious. Spencer didn’t want to tell the cops where the evidence actually came from.


Trina finally got her boyfriend to admit that Victor may have falsified the evidence since he had already offered to do that when Spencer asked for help getting custody of Ace. Trina immediately told Spencer he wouldn’t be bringing the evidence to the police at all, but he argued that it didn’t matter how Esme was brought to justice. He wanted to use the evidence no matter what. Trina finally convinced him to see things her way — or so she thought. Spencer said he was going to destroy the evidence, but when Trina left, he decided to save it all for a rainy day.

General Hospital Recap: Pool Time, Threat Time

Brook Lynn (Amanda Setton) and Chase (Josh Swickard) spent the evening at the Metro Court pool despite her family home having its own pool. They were just happy to be with one another as they shared small talk and ice cream. Sadly, Tracy (Jane Elliot) interrupted them, and when Chase went to get a drink, Tracy chastised BLQ for slacking off at Deception while hanging at the pool. She didn’t care that it was after work hours, Tracy just wanted her inside info on The Deceptor.

Portia (Brook Kerr) couldn’t believe her eyes and ears when her brother Zeke (Gavin Houston) showed up in Port Charles. Zeke assured her that he doesn’t judge her for what happened to her marriage mere hours after taking her vows, so she thought it was a fine time to bring up how much she couldn’t stand Trina being with Spencer. She even hoped that Zeke would talk sense into Trina and convince her that Spencer was no good. Zeke was happy to do just that.

Later, Zeke also ended up at the pool and sat himself down at the bar right next to Jordan (Tanisha Harper). She was there to drown her sorrows over, knowing it really was over with Curtis.

Ava (Maura West) learned that Mason (Nathanyael Grey) and his “boss” were more interested in her connection to Sonny than her connection to the Jerome crime family. Mason wanted her to deliver any information she could just by being around Nina and Sonny. Austin (Roger Howarth) insisted that Ava hear Mason out.

She wasn’t happy, but she listened after Austin told Ava that she would be in more trouble than she imagined if she didn’t do what Mason said. Ava was perplexed when Mason said he wanted info on Pikeman, but she finally agreed to do what she was being ordered to do. After all, as Mason reminded her, he knows what happened to Nikolas.

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