General Hospital Recap: Young Leo Nearly Ruined Little Violet’s Christmas


To his credit, Leo Quartermaine didn’t mean to. He’s simply too smart for his own good.

The General Hospital recap for Monday, December 18, features Leo’s brilliant mind working a little too hard. The math was exact in all the wrong ways.

General Hospital Recap Highlights

Also in this episode, Carly found out her new friend is a lying liar, Alexis agreed to take a leap of faith, and Esme remembered a piece of her past. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into the details.

About Santa…

Chase (Joshua Swickard) and Brook Lynn (Amanda Setton) took Leo (Easton Rocket Sweda) and Violet (Jophielle Love) shopping. All was going well as they discussed presents, dreams, and hopes. Chase wanted to give his dad the best Christmas ever. BLQ wanted to make things special for Maxie (Kirsten Storms) and the kids.

Also out and about were Blaze (Jacqueline Grace Lopez) and Kristina (Kate Mansi). They talked about their family traditions and hoped to share them with each other. The pair even managed to secretly hold hands. The moment didn’t last long, though, before they bumped into BLQ, Chase, and the kids.

Talk turned to presents, which led to a conversation about Santa. A very hard conversation. In fact, Leo outright told Violet he wasn’t real! It was scientifically impossible. There was no way he could visit every house on Earth in one night. Violent was floored.

The adults were quick to separate the kids. BLQ and Chase took off with Leo, leaving Violet in the gal’s care. Blaze managed to convince Violet that science does not explain everything and smoothed it all over. She even agreed to give the little girl music lessons. All was well by the time the other trio returned.

Rogue Investigations

Meanwhile, Dante (Dominic Zamprogna) called Anna (Finola Hughes) to the morgue for another talk. He showed her the file, the photos, and the wallet. Anna named Brennan, realized the numbers in the wallet were the perfect amount for a Swiss bank account, and recalled the tale of how this all came to be. She also realized Forsythe was in her apartment without a shadow of a doubt. (See more about this story here.)

At the same time, Brennan (Charles Mesure) stopped into Kelly’s for another flirt session with Carly (Laura Wright). She was cordial but firm. She wasn’t interested in anything more than serving him burgers. Eventually, she was saved by the bell when his phone rang.


That call was from Roman (Mark Engelhardt), and Brennan took off to meet him. Roman relayed all the intel he had from stalking Dante and recounted the detective’s every move. Brennan was not happy to hear Anna would now have that dreaded file!

Back at Kelly’s, Sam (Kelly Monaco) showed up. She sat at a table and did some digging on this Brennan character. Carly looked at the picture and was shocked to realize her new friend was lying his face off to her.

Good Tidings And Bad

All the while, Gregory (Gregory Harrison) and Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) had an interesting conversation about his bucket list items. In particular, wanting to jump out of a plane. He wanted to invite Tracy (Jane Elliot), but Alexis talked him out of even asking. There was no way she’d go for it. After a few speeches and many heartfelt stories, Alexis agreed to be the one to accompany him.

Over at the hospital, Molly (Kristen Vaganos) and TJ (Tajh Bellow) told the doc their great news. They found a surrogate and wanted to start the process ASAP. Unfortunately, the doctor put a pause on their rush. There were protocols to follow. This will take time. Molly was crushed. And, truth be told, a piece of her worried about her sister backing out.

Tensions rose at Spencer’s (Nicholas Chavez) place when a gift-giving session between him, Joss (temporarily being played by Courtney Fulk), and Trina (Tabyana Ali) was interrupted by Esme (Avery Kristen Pohl). She was there to pick up a package but also took the opportunity to talk to Trina alone.

Once in the hall, Esme thanked Trina for getting through to Spencer. She also apologized for all the things she did wrong — even if she didn’t remember doing them. Esme even wondered if they could be friends one day. Trina stopped her in her tracks. Nope. Not even a little bit. Cordial? Sure. Friend-ly? Yes. Friends? Absolutely not.

Esme went home to decorate her tree with Ace. While hanging an ornament, she flashed back to last Christmas. The images shocked Esme, and her ornament shattered on the floor.

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