General Hospital: Sasha FINALLY Takes Back Control Of Her Life, Sends Gladys To Pentonville


Gladys is currently receiving a lot of criticism from both General Hospital viewers and her fellow PC locals. She has always been known to be avaricious and egotistical. But with her most recent ploy and her new accomplice, she has now taken a truly abhorrent turn. But something suggests that she might not be successful in her endeavors. But who will expose her for what she really is? Will it be Cody, Sonny, or a completely unanticipated person? To learn more, keep reading TV Season & Spoilers!

Gladys Schemes To Derail Sasha’s Recovery

Sasha has had a really rough recent past on General Hospital. From losing her baby, to Brando’s unfortunate passing, to her addiction. She has really taken a lot of hard hits, and it shows! When Sasha first entered the soap, she seemed fierce and intelligent. Long-time viewers would remember that Valentin brought her to Port Charles to pretend as Nina’s lost daughter. Sasha nailed the track to perfection. Until, she grew a conscious and didn’t want to anymore!

Now, with her two backslides into addiction relapses, are we really ready for a third one? Because that’s exactly what Gladys has in mind for her on General Hospital. She has made a dirty deal with Sasha’s psychiatrist to give her a prescription that would cause her to relapse. All this, so Gladys could stay in control of S asha’s finances. So predictable! But what if there is more to it than is meeting our eye right now! What if Sasha isn’t just as much a damsel in distress, Gladys is making her to be?


Sasha Exposes Gladys, Sends Her To Prison On General Hospital

Yes, Sasha has been very vulnerable in the recent past. But off-late, she has certainly recovered a lot on General Hospital. She has regained a sense of confidence and has been thinking far more clearly and logically! What if she has sniffed the rat under Gladys’ skin? There are way too many people who have it out for Gladys right now. It is completely plausible that someone gave Sasha a heads-up or that she overheard Gladys discuss one of her many abhorrent schemes!

Sasha could be in the know of what Gladys and Dr. Damon Montague are planning on General Hospital. She may have accepted Montague’s prescription just to play along and collect proof against the scheming duo. In the upcoming episodes, Sasha may take the proof and the whole story to Sam or Dante and expose Gladys for who she really is! Gladys has had it coming a long time and Sasha sending her to prison would be the perfect culmination to this storyline.

Additionally, Sasha would regain her stability and confidence with this victory. Furthermore, the path to a Sasha-Cody romance would be clear-cut without Gladys in the scene! Sasha deserves more than simply sad tales, in my opinion. Say what? Do you agree with this? In the comments, please. Watch General Hospital in the interim to discover what Sasha does next!

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