General Hospital Spoilers: As Sam Signs Up To Be Molly’s Surrogate, Lulu Wakes Up


Molly Lansing Davis (Haley Pullos) will soon start looking for a surrogate, according to General Hospital teasers. The knowledge that Molly has endometriosis has had an impact on her. Because of her current sensitivity, no one can refuse to help her. It will be challenging for Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco) to decline when Molly and T.J. Ashford (Tajh Bellow) ask her to carry their child. Even if the possibilities are slim, egg donation could not be necessary if the doctor can immediately obtain a sizable quantity of fertile eggs from Molly.

Sam might think she’s making a minor time commitment to her sister and T.J.’s family, and she will definitely talk it over with Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zamprogna) first to make sure he’s okay with it. How could he not be, given his past? But when Dante commits to supporting Sam, he’s going to make that decision from a very different point of view than where he ends up — when Lulu Falconeri (Emme Rylan) wakes up!

Sam McCall Goes All In

With Dante on board, Sam will eagerly accept T.J. and Molly’s offer to be their surrogate. Sam will enjoy himself with this. Although she had always desired to become pregnant once more, she wasn’t particularly eager to expand her family. While a surprise child would be welcomed and treasured, she and Dante just had a private discussion about this and came to the conclusion that they were happy with their lives as they were. They are content as a blended family, and they don’t need to have children to feel like a family. Now, Molly and T.J. can also take part in it.

Say The Past Creeps In

When Dante agrees to support Sam’s decision, he’ll be doing so thinking nothing else is really going to change with their lives in the following nine months. Little does he or anyone else know, Lulu is about to wake up. When she does, everything will change. Suddenly, Sam will have to share his free time as he travels to bring his kids to see their mother in rehab. Lulu will need extensive physical therapy when she wakes up before she’s ready to go home. Speaking of which, where is home? Did Dante ever sell that house or is he still hanging onto it? Is that where Lulu will be headed since Laura Collins’ (Genie Francis) place is full? It sounds like Sam’s surrogacy won’t be center stage for long — that is, until the baby is born.


Dante Falconeri’s World Turns Upside Down

It’s unclear whether Sam and Dante can make it through Lulu’s return to the land of the living. The feelings he had for her when the Floating Rib exploded might bubble to the surface once again, and it’s likely that Lulu will wake up feeling just as committed to reuniting with Dante as she did before the bomb went off. It’s too bad another bomb will be dropping — when Sam gives birth…to her child with Dante! In a plot twist, it may be revealed that Sam and Dante slipped up during the fertility treatments and pulled a Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) on Molly and T.J. This is going to leave Sam’s sister heartbroken, and Dante torn between his past with a woman he loves, and his future with his new child and the other woman he loves. Ouch! Keep checking back with us for more GH news, updates, and spoilers so you don’t miss a beat of this storyline.

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