GH Spoilers: Courtney Is Alive, And Being Held Hostage In Russia?


Spoilers for General Hospital indicate There is life for Courtney Mathews (Alicia Leigh Willis)! There will be definite indications that someone is residing in the home Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) inherited from Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy), despite Laura Collins’ (Genie Francis) disappointment when she arrives in Chechnya and finds no sign of Nikolas Cassadine (Adam Huss).

When Laura and Kevin Collins (Jon Lindstrom) discover Spencer’s mother in Russia after believing she passed away in 2006, they won’t believe their eyes.

Laura Hunts for Nikolas

Laura is in a desperate search for her son so she may return him to his own boys. Though he might actually have to pay for his misdeeds — for once — she has every confidence that he can negotiate against the charges that are waiting for him.

While parenting Ace Cassadine (Jay and Joey Clay), Nikolas belongs with his sons and should be at home instead of allowing Spencer to give up his goals for his own life while he picks up the pieces of Nikolas’.

Laura is always oh so eager to see to it that her son and grandson both rise to the occasion and take care of their responsibilities.

While she couldn’t be more proud of Spencer, it’s simply not his job to raise Nikolas’ child when Nikolas is capable of doing so. Of course, Laura has no awareness of the condition he was in the last time anyone saw him.


GH Spoilers Claim Nik is in Port Charles

Little does Laura know, Nikolas is actually on likely American soil back home in Port Charles. He’s never left, despite Ava Jerome’s (Maura West) claims that he hitched the first ride out of town when he learned the truth about what he did to Esme was bound to come out.

Mason Gatlin (Nathanael Grey) was nursing Nikolas back to health the last we saw the Cassadine Prince. It’s likely that he was doing so locally, given the severity of Nik’s injury after Ava took her anger out on him.

Courtney is in Chechnya

So who is in Chechnya if Spencer’s father isn’t there? It’s rumored to be Spencer’s mother. Victor might have been keeping Courtney away from Spencer all these years, even though he wasn’t actually dead and had been held captive for a lot longer than Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) ever was.

Could this have been part of Uncle Victor’s grand scheme to control Spencer’s upbringing by preventing any effect Courtney might have had and guaranteeing his Cassadine purity—or maybe not so pure? To find out how this turns out, keep checking back for more GH news and spoilers.

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