History Responds To ‘Curse Of Oak Island’ Fans About Rare Book


History Channel’s Curse of Oak Island team is searching for a rare book to help them find treasure. People who responded were thanked for their efforts to help out. The team also shared more explanations because one specific book is known to exist. Read on to find out what you can do to help, and why it’s so important not to buy one.

Rick Lagina & Marty Lagina Hunt For Treasure On Curse Of Oak Island

Fans who complain the show is lagging and too full of theories might feel happy to know that a particular book might help find some real treasure. Wouldn’t it be useful to find out someone had gotten hold of a book and put in illustrations and notes? It would almost be like finding a treasure map or at least clues to help find that treasure. Researcher John Edwards owns two books, but the full set contains five of them. Of the three remaining books, they seek a particular one.

The Curse of Oak Island team discovered that only one copy of this book exists. And, that exact book can help them. It’s titled Instructions Generales En Forme De Catechisme. Anyone can buy them and many collectors have a go-to website – but wait! ABE Books lists plenty of them, from publications in the 1700s to more modern reprints. They range from $22 to about $800. However, the History Channel team seeks a specific one and it’s not on that website.

Why Is The Book So Rare?

Tomb Four of the 1824 edition is the one they seek of Instructions Generales En Forme De Catechisme. Narrowing that down, it must contain the notes and drawings made by someone after publication. One might think that notes devalued the book. However, it depends on who made the notes, and when. Unfortunately, whoever the owner is right now seems elusive. History Channel fans decided to help and went off hunting for it. Thanking them for their efforts on Instagram, further explanation arrived from the team.


In the caption, some important information was shared from the Curse Of Oak Island research team. It seems the team got a lot of help from fans. The History Channel team wrote:

Thank you to all our Oak Island fans for the overwhelming response to yesterday’s post regarding the team’s rare book search. However, we realize that our request requires some further clarification….The most important book to the team is a single copy Tome Four of the 1824 Instructions Generales En Forme De Catechisme, that may contain,what we believe, is a hand drawn sketch of Oak Island on page 418. Our research indicates that this book was last sold to a person or entity in February of 2019.

Concern about people buying copies of the book with the same title but not the additional notes and drawings brought a note of caution for Curse of Oak Island viewers.

The team urged their fans not to go out and buy the book, pointing out the rarity of it. Therefore, “[it] will not be easily found.”

How can you help the History Channel team? They specified:

The most effective way to help is by sending Information and leads to OakIslandResearchTeam@gmail.com.

Does this hunt to find the book make you feel excited? Do you know who owns Tomb Four of the 1824 Instructions Generales En Forme De Catechisme? Shout out in the comments below and come back here for all your Curse of Oak Island news.

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