Jared Fields Should Be The One To Resurrect His Big Brother 25 Game


Big Brother 25 has turned double evictees Jared Fields and Cameron Hardin into Zombies. Here’s why Jared should be the one to resurrect his game.

Big Brother 25 has unleashed Scary Week on the houseguests, as Jared Fields and Cameron Hardin, who were eliminated during the double eviction, have been turned into Zombies, one of whom will have the opportunity to resurrect his game, and Jared is the one who should get to return. Jared, a 25-year-old exterminator from Norwalk, Connecticut and Cameron, a 34-year-old stay-at-home dad from Eastman, Georgia, were thrilled to find out that they’d have a chance to get back into the Big Brother house. While Cameron wasn’t surprised by his unanimous eviction, Jared was blindsided by his, especially when he only received one vote, from his mother, Survivor legend Cirie Fields.

Throughout Big Brother 25, Jared has been a fierce competitor, who’s willing to do whatever it takes to make it further in the game. He has been protecting himself and Cirie since the beginning, winning competitions and making strategic moves when necessary. Although he sometimes talks too much, like in his heated argument with Cory Wurtenberger, which makes him a target, Jared has been doing the best he can to further himself in the game. He should be the one to return to Big Brother 25.

Jared Fields Is A Fierce Competitor

Cameron and Jared are the two houseguests who’ve won the most competitions so far this season. Jared has proven himself to be a strong competitor, winning two Head of Household (HOH) competitions and one Power of Veto. One of Jared’s HOH wins was in the Wall endurance competition, which proved that he has what it takes to fight for his life in the game. Jared always has the burden of protecting both himself and his mother from being nominated, along with his showmance, Blue Kim.

Jared’s strategic game involves lying to his fellow houseguests, which rubs some of his fellow players and viewers the wrong way. He’s lied about alliances, his fellow houseguests’ actions, and his own gameplay. One of Jared’s biggest lies was when he told Red Utley that Cameron had thrown him under the bus in order to protect himself. This successfully turned Red against Cameron, who ended their Chillers alliance without an explanation. Although Red was evicted after that because Cameron won the Power of Veto, Jared’s plan of turning Red against Cameron worked.

Jared will do whatever it takes to keep himself and his mom safe, even if it means playing a cutthroat game. If he does return to the game, it’ll be interesting to see if and how he takes revenge on his fellow houseguests. Jared’s determination to win is one of the reasons he should be the one to resurrect his Big Brother 25 game. However, it’s also possible that, if he doesn’t win HOH right away, his fellow houseguests could send him right back out the door.

Jared Was Eliminated During The Second Half Of A Double Eviction

Big Brother twists inevitably make the game less fair for some of the houseguests, which is exactly what happened to Jared this week. Because he was the outgoing HOH, he was ineligible to play in the next HOH compet ition, which made him an easy target for the double eviction. Jared definitely made a mistake by not expecting his nomination and allowing himself to get blindsided, but the double eviction made it even easier for the new HOH Cory to execute his plan.


Although this is part of the game, normally nominees have the whole week to figure out a way to stay in the house, while Jared had just minutes. The whirlwind of a double eviction makes the pressure to win even more intense. Blindsided Jared was probably frazzled and shaken, which could be why he didn’t win the Power of Veto. This is another reason why he should be the one to come back into the game.

Jared Is Part Of A Major Big Brother 25 Twist


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Throughout Big Brother 25, Jared has been part of one of the biggest twists of the season. His mother, Cirie, was added to the cast as a surprise 17th houseguest on premiere night. Their relationship was kept a secret, but their now-evicted ally, Izzy Gleicher immediately recognized him because she’s a big fan of Cirie. Jared also dropped a hint that his mother was in the house to his showmance, Blue, but she’s not certain if he’s related to Cirie or Felicia Cannon.

Although being in this twist isn’t the sole reason that he should stay in the game, combined with his gameplay, Jared is the one who should resurrect his game. It would be sad to see the twist end before someone else figures out their relationship. However, it would also be interesting to see if Cirie reveals that Jared is her son if he’s evicted for good.

Although Jared having his mother in the house could be seen as an asset, she’s also been a liability for him. When he didn’t use the Power of Veto to protect Cirie from being backdoored by Cameron, it might not have been in his best interest as a game player. However, he would never do anything that could jeopardize his mother’s game.

In fact, Cirie even told Jared to nominate her the following week when he was HOH if Cameron won the Power of Veto and took himself off the block. She knew if Cameron stayed in the house, Jared would be one of his targets, and evicting her could possibly mend his relationship with a power player like Cameron. Jared should have a second chance because the odds were against him from the beginning having to secretly protect Cirie throughout the game. Although Cirie isn’t the direct reason Jared was evicted, his choices throughout the game led him to that point of making enough enemies that the house turned on him.

Until his eviction, Jared’s Big Brother 25 game had been filled with mostly victories. Although he was nominated in week 1 because he lost a competition, when Reilly Smedley won the first HOH of the season, she removed him from the chopping block. Jared was in a tough spot during the second half of the double eviction, and his fellow houseguests took advantage of that moment in order to get him out of the house. However, Zombie Jared now has the chance to resurrect his game. He should be the one to re-enter the Big Brother 25 house and continue to compete for the $750,000 prize.

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