Julie Chen Moonves Thinks Cory Is Big Brother 25’s Big Threat


Julie Chen Moonves just came out and said Cory is the biggest threat in the house. We all k now Julie as the illustrious host of Big Brother, so we take the things she says about the show very seriously. We also think she has insights the viewer doesn’t because she gets the big picture from seeing all aspects behind the scenes. So, when she chimes in and says Cory is a threat, it would be wise that we listen. But what is it about Cory that makes her view him as such a threat to the other houseguests?


Obviously, a lot has changed since the unmovable Jared Fields was finally booted. That changed the dynamic of the house, as up to then, him and his Mom Cirie Fields were the real threats. Now that he is out of the way, this gives Cory the chance to slip into his spot and start to take real control where it counts.


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Julie Chen Moonves Thinks Cory Is Big Brother 25’s Biggest Secret Threat

Julie Chen Moonves minces no words when talking about Cory and his ability to play people in the Big Brother house:


“He has the gift of being a persuasive speaker,” notes Chen Moonves. “He also has a fair amount of people under his belt, not just America, and that’s a duo right there. I mean, Jag is good at winning games, but he hasn’t been able to steer the direction of the house.”

Julie Chen Moonves to People Magazine

Another aspect that makes him a threat is how laid back and non-threatening he comes across. The best players of this game know how to use that kind of vibe to their advantage. It’s always the quiet ones you need to keep your eyes on.

Julie Chen Moonves also chimed in about the ableist slur that former contestant Jared Fields used. She said the show has a zero-tolerance rule for that kind of stuff. But if that is so, why did he get voted off and not booted by the show itself? An inquiry for another day, we suppose.

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