Leah “She Said The BB AI Twist Was A Mistake.” Kimo “Why Involve The Jurors?” Leah “Unless It’s A Battle Back?”


7:05pm The feeds are still being intermittently blocked. Kimo – Is that weird? Do you think Jerry O’Connell would take over for Big Brother? I think. Chelsie – what for Julie? Kimo – You don’t think this isn’t like this is some like she’s passing on the torch to Jerry O’connell to, like, take over Big Brothers? Chelsie – Don’t even speak that. I don’t think so cause it wouldn’t be Big Brother anymore. Kimo – this is a way to introduce a whole other game show that Jerry O’connell’s host of. Chelsie – could be. You don’t think that for Julie’s last season they would make that known before the season. Leah – no. Kimo – I mean we wouldn’t know, but the world could know.
Kimo – but like the fate of Big Brother rest in our hands have they ever done that in a season before, no. The fate of big brother rests in our hands feel like it’s a comp theme related our job to save the house from Ainsley trying to destroy it. Chelsie – She said that the AI arena was a mistake and letting people back in. Leah – she didn’t say AI arena, she said the BB AI twist was a mistake. Makensy – basically us saying yes or no. Kimo – and also them letting her out into the world for a week. Leah – and it makes sense to bring Quinn up because he voted for Ainsley to be in… and got the power. Kimo – Why involve the jurors? Leah – Unless it’s a battle back? Chelsie – What about Michigan? leah – All be Michigan. Kimo 0 I believe Michigan. Leah – oh geezzz..

7:30pm Kitchen – Angela is cooking dinner (2 dinners in 70 days, not bad!)

7:35pm Backyard – Cam and Rubina

Cam – Well, I don’t even know why we speculate. Triple eviction? When its time to go… just show up! Just f**king show up! Rubina laughs – its so funny! Cam – because we’re not in control of anything. Rubina – nothing, except for me. Cam – and even you knowing isn’t giving you a head start on anything. Rubina – nope! Even when you speculate its not.. I love it. Cam – for Tv. Rubina – yeah I get it. We’re supposed to be like .. Cam – what’s going on?!?! I can only act. Wait!? What?! What does it mean?

7:55pm Backyard – Chelsie and Makensy

Chelsie – well she is talking more. Makensy – she has to, she’s in a public setting. Chelsie – MMmmhhmmm. Makensy – I really hope that when I talk to her she understands. Chelsie – she’s never going to understand. She doesn’t think that she should ever go on the block. So. you can’t rationalize with with somebody who will be irrational. Try, but she doesn’t believe that she should be going on the box with anybody. I don’t know if anybody put her on the block. She would. She would not understand. It could have been Kimo. Let’s put her on the block. She’d be like I don’t understand. I was like, even after you put them on the block and you voted them all two times. She still wouldn’t understand.

8pm Kitchen – Leah and Angela

Leah – this is so unreal, I’m so frustrated. Angela – you and me both. Leah – I was literally like when everyone was like there conspiring I was going to be like I’m still trying to figure out why I was backdoored.. Angela – This whatever this Ainsley thing is its more or letss probably going to be tomorrow right? Leah – I don’t know, probably. Angela – maybe there’s a chance to get off? I feel like it might be tomorrow or Wednesday. Leah – I am just like annoyed. Like at everything. I don’t like begging for people to do.. Angela – I do it every week, except for 3 weeks. Leah – its just like frustrating that I was told literally the exact opposite last night. Like I don’t even know what to say to people, because it’s like the people that I protected last week are the people gunning for me this week and the people that I put on the block last week. What am I supposed to do? Like going and and and and now like be their friends and like whatever and like not that I haven’t been everyone’s friend but it’s like why would they trust me whenever I put them up and it feels like just a targeted plan on purpose like and it’s like why did I bother protecting people who now are targeting me? That doesn’t even make sense.
Leah – Hell hath no furry like a scorned juror ladies and gentlemen. Angela – you got to say that in the diary room. Leah – and that’s the worst thing like you’re not going home.. do you know what I mean? You don’t get to go home. It just feels like one of those moments where you have a friend that’s mad at you but won’t tell you why. Angela – she said she would talk to you, just take the opportunity when you’re ready.

Living Room – Leah and Kimo

Kimo – did you talk to anybody else? Leah – I just don’t want to. Because I feel like my ..I know it’s not a positive way of thinking, but it just feels like my fate is decided and it feels calculated on purpose.

8:50pm Dinner time..

9:10pm – 9:25pm HOH room – Leah and Makensy

Makensy – give me a hug. Leah – I can’t do it yet. Makensy – I will say this week a lot of people brought things to me that just didnt make sense and confused me where you’re at. A big one was the whole showmance with Cma and than talking to Chelsie about.. and kind of insinuating that him and I are close in that sense. Leah – She bought it up to me but, I’ll let you finish. Makensy – I heard of you to people about how mine and Chelsea relationship was threatening and that you should have made a bigger move last week. And when that’s told to me and insinuated, you made a deal with Cam and you said that you shouldn’t have put up the trio. So the only other two people would be me and Chelsie. So that was brought to my attention and then I also was told that when it was me versus Tucker or Angela that you would have voted against me either way. Leah – Never true. Makensy – Like I said, I’m not sure what is or isn’t true. I don’t know why people who also were going to vote against me would say that and I do know that you want Angela at the end. I’m not unaware of that. But you’ve also told me that after she gone to jury, you didn’t care if she went home and we were talking. And there after one on ones were during one on ones. You’d also said that Chelsie was a huge threat and that you wanted her out of this house. And then you came in here last night and you spoke about how you just wanted to work with Chelsie Cam and I. And so I’m just confused on where your head’s at. Everybody’s confused on where your head’s at on who you’re trying to work with, who you’re not trying to work with, where you stand who you stand.

Leah – I just wish that you brought this stuff up to me so that I could debunk it before you’re believing a bunch of people. Makensy – okay but like I said, this is just what I’ve heard. So that’s why I hear and then and I kind of and I’m not saying that I do believe that you denied that you worked with us obviously which is fine as you should in this game. Then I hear that last week and this week you’re telling people about how like Matt and I didn’t really get along like that as like that Matt was not very compatible with me and more compatible with you. Leah – What!? Makensy – and that y’all would have gotten more along and you were confused why people thought we were in a showmance because it was really y’all. Leah – no. Makensy – and so that’s what I hear and like I’m not saying what is or isn’t true.

Leah – I want you to finish and then I’ll go in because I don’t wanna I don’t want you to think that I’m I’m not mad at you I’m just extremely saddened and disappointed that the like that there aren’t many people that I actually fully trust in here you being one of them and that’s the honest to God truth and like when I told you that I protect you and do all these things for you I meant it like and I I meant what I said about Angela like I want yeah I wanted her to be here for a jury or to help us. Makensy – its hard for me in the position that I am in .. personally this is the hardest move I have ever had to make and I talked to Chelsie all about it last night because I was crying. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to do it. And I knew that if I didn’t do it, I would have people coming for my throat also. Leah – They’re going to come for your throat regardless. Makensy – I’m not unaware of that, but it’s difficult whenever it’s like, I just after everything said, and I’m not trying to validate it, I’m not sure what is true or isn’t true. They said, whatever it’s just after everything said that’s the only thing I could do.

Leah – I’m being painted as whatever, and like that, I’m sitting here talking sh*t on someone who I give a f**k about. Like, I’m not like, why? Why? And also, it’s not like people actually brought it up to me that you guys (Makensy & Cam), like, are getting closer, whatever, like. And I probably laughed like, whatever. I don’t care. I would not care if you were like, that’s not something that I care to target here. I never cared. And same, like, and and with her bringing, like, bringing up to you is funny, because it’s like, girl, as if she hadn’t brought it up to me a bunch of times. But do I sit here and come to you and tell you, like, this is like, what? So and so is is doing and saying, no, because I don’t like I started to worry about her because every because of the w ay that she looks talks and and acts towards me in private is way different than when we’re in a group of people. And that started.. Big Brother switches the feeds to the kitchen cams…


9:30pm – 10pm HOH room – Leah and Makensy talk continued..

Leah – Did I put you guys up last week? Did I take a shot? No. So whatever people are saying that I could have taken a shot. Did I know what the f**k? And you were not a part of that. When have you ever? When? When have someone can genuinely come in here right now and tell me bad sh*t that I’ve said about you.
What’s happening? Like I’m being some bad guy that’s like sitting around when people are literally trash talking me every chance they get for no reason. Because what do I even do? I’m literally not even around these people and that’s exactly what I was talking about. That’s what I meant. Even when Quinn was here. And that’s why I was so devastated when Quinn left because he was one of the only people that sat around and made me feel understood. Not like a f**king laughing stock every day. And I just feel like excluded from every single thing and like, if anyone understood that, it would have been you and like, that was the hardest part for me. It’s like I’m sitting here just like explaining and pleading my f**king case to a bunch of people who literally don’t give a f**k.
Leah – I was ready to protect you through the f**king whatever I needed to and I meant that when I said that and whenever I saw my future for this game. I meant last night when I said I wanted to do it with you and that’s why I’m just like really hurt by everything. I’m just so f**king tired of people.


Makensy – even Angela told me that you had said that you were worried that I would prioritize Chelsie and Cam. Leah – none of this is about you. I never grouped you in as the people that I’m worried about like I told Angela like whenever we were going to the vetoes and stuff and this is why I should have just stayed keeping sh*t to
myself because my sh*ts just getting all flip twisted and whatever and people are all in a tizzy cuz in the first half of the game I just didn’t tell them anything that I was thinking and I wish I stayed there with that but honest Leah – I just wish she would have asked before now letting all these people convince you and now they’re going to take my a$$ out and then what dude. Makensy – I know, I don’t think.. listen nothing set in stone please know that. I really think you need to have those honest conversations again of just being like and I’ll sit here through them with Chelsie and I’ll make sure that her a$$ isn’t lying to you.

Leah – it bothers me that Rubina of all people are saying that when she’s someone who sits there and comforts me all the time about anything that I’m feeling and someone who’s like who sits there and and just you know says things and and listens and then comes straight up here and then twists and makes a whole f**king thing up because never have I ever said that I want that to be clear. Why am I literally always painted as some fucking scarlet lettered harlot that’s running around trying to get all the guys in
this bitch. If I fucking wanted that, I fucking would.

10pm – 10:40pm HOH room – Leah and Makensy

Leah – if I go to that jury freaking. I at least have two votes automatic with Quinn Okay!? So it’s power and hell hath no fury like a scorn juror. Ladies and gentlemen! Trust believe! what? No, I really do think that. Makensy – I know Chelsie wants to have a conversation with you. I know that she does want to work with you. She just doesn’t know your heads at. Makensy – I do think that you still have a good chance of staying here. I’m not unaware of that. All you need is two f**king votes and then me obviously. Leah – I stay one of my numbers is gone, if I leave another one like another one of us is gone.. it’s like either way we got, got dude. And I watched the same sh*t happen to f**king Quinn putting Joseph. I’m like are you an idiot!? When I am being accused of playing the house, playing both sides when I’m watching the exact person saying that playing both sides.. its interesting to me.

Leah – the shot just didn’t need to be taken at me this week. It just didn’t and she just wanted someone else to take the shot. is the truth. Makensy – probably. I think I had a lot of people get to my head. Literally the whole house.

Makensy – The thing is, I felt so much pressure from everybody, and maybe this is my naive 22 year old self, because everybody was saying it. I got put into a corner and I was like, I feel like the only way to get out of this corner and to freaking do something to where people don’t f**king come from my head, which they still might, is to do this. So I didn’t know what to do. And that’s where it’s like, yeah, maybe too much power got in my f**king head.

10:50pm – 11:45pm HOH room – Makensy goes to get Chelsie to bring her up to the HOH room to talk with Leah.

Makensy – I know things have been said of mistrust between both Hill and I just want things cleared and. Leah and I had a great conversation about clearing some stuff up with not necessarily. You, but two others in the house on the other side. And things were brought to my attention that I have no idea about that make me question a lot on the other side. Okay with Kimo and Rubina Okay. I don’t want to say the words that you said because that’s not my place. But definitely made me question some things and just make me worry obviously either one of y’all going home. I don’t like and making the move that I did today was absolutely hard. I don’t want to get got by the other side. Leah starts explaining her side of things.

Leah – I just started to feel like I really hope that like me taking out Tkor like didn’t make anyone think that I’m some kind of liar or whatever because I did love Tkor. I did have her back, but my priority last week was to show you guys that I had it more because although I love Tkor. Yeah, she did not put me on the block. I voted with her a couple of times like I was, you know, honest to her about a lot of things I even told her that she was an option which was really hard. I just felt like and we’ve talked about this that she would have done the same thing in my shoes. Also the Cam and Makensy thing. I really just thought that was a joke between us. I was never serious about that or trying to paint Makensy as a bad person. I just thought it was a jokey joke and I didn’t know that you and Cam had like something like that. I had ideas and jokes in my head as well like and I’ve told you that I was like I think he’s in love with you. I told you that.

Leah goes into lots of her points that she and Makensy had talked about earlier. Leah – I will say like I am sorry for even telling you Makensy that I was just like I didn’t know where your head was at like I should have come and talked to you about it.

Chelsie – I was confused because I’m like what like we had this 3 hour conversation during my HOH. This is the second time that I chose not to put you up or renom you. There’s a skepticism but in my actions I proved that’s not something that I’m going to do even though there is some reason because I heard during Jankie world is not the first time that I heard about you throwing my name as being a threat to the house and planting seeds, not the 1st time. And then Angela is saying some things and I’m like where the hell is Angela getting that from and you and I had had a conversation about how tight me and Tkor are then all of a sudden Angela’s saying the same things.. and I’m like what the where is this coming from trying to paint a target as if me and Tkor are thing and I’m like I don’t know how many times I didn’t say that. I have to tell people that me and Tkor are not a final two.

Leah – like and it’s been hard for me I have stayed loyal to my word when I promise people things I mean it and whenever I said I wanted to protect you I meant it and I showed it So anything else that people are blabbering on about has no bearing on what’s going on.

Leah – I apologize my thing is though like whether it’s conveyed I apologize that it hasn’t been directly conveyed to you but I can’t exactly tell other people like but you can tell me exactly and that’s what I should have done and so I’m left to hear all of these others and that’s what I should have done and nothing from you and when I’m working with people they know number one and I show it and I verbalize it and in this game you have to have all and that’s my mistake because like I just sometimes just choose to like go off and like do my own thing.

Chelsie – I’m just trying to say if your priority is a certain group of people then those worries those fears the things in your head you communicate to those people not to people outside that group.

Leah – But then you don’t come to me. Like then this time whenever it’s like I’m literally going up on the block and Makensy’s being told all of this stuff I would like to be able to debunk it. I would like to have the chance to talk to you guys about it because it was never my intention. I don’t care what anybody says.

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