Matt “I’ve Been Kicking Up A Speech. I’m Going To Make It Funny. I Never Lied To You Jag, FOR REAL! FOR REAL!”


The Situation: As the veto holder Jag decides who is evicted, Matt or Felicia. The remaining person will be the 3rd member of the final 3.

7pm Kitchen – Matt and Bowie.
Matt – I’ve been kicking up a speech. Bowie – yeah you have to. Matt – I am going to make it funny. Bowie – yeah. Matt – but not too mean. I am going to say just slight stuff like … remember like comments like Cirie made to me? Bowie – oh what was that?? Matt – so I am going to be like, Jag.. what would Reilly do? I want you to think about Reilly here. I’m going to be like FOR REAL Man, I want you to think about it? Bowie laughs. Matt – I am going to say little comments and quotes here and there. Bowie – yes! Matt – I am going to be like I never lied to you Jag .. FOR REAL! FOR REAL FOR REAL! Bowie – dude that’s funny! Matt – I am going to do that. Bowie – yes definitely do that. Matt – and then I’ll be like there is not much I can offer but what I can offer is (put one leg on the thing) is one last veto dance! And then I will do a gritty. Bowie – perfect, that will be the ending will it? Matt – yeah.

7:20pm Kitchen – Felicia, Matt, Jag and Bowie.
Felicia – Well I guess we’re not gettting a video today!?? Maybe tomorrow? I hope we do something tomorrow! This house is too big for four people. Matt – yeah and we don’t have the backyard. Bowie – hopefully we get to sleep in tomorrow! Felicia – there would be no reason to wake us up. Bowie – yeah. Jag – veto ceremony. Matt – they’ll wake us up for DRs.

7:23pm – 7:59pm Big Brother blocks the feeds. The feeds return to Matt, Jag and Felicia reminiscing about the season. Felicia – 6 days… 5 days and a wake up. I wonder what that jury house is like. I wonder if they really are letting them drink wine and watch movies. Jag – probably, I don’t see why not. Felicia – are you guys coming back if they ask you? Jag – yeah of course! Felicia – YOU WOULD?! Matt – I probably would. Jag – dope yeah! Matt – not right away though. I would. Jag – you wouldn’t? Felicia – no, one and done. If I was 25/27 I might consider it. 63 .. NO! I am done! Jag – well we’re 25 and 27. Felicia – yeah, its been an experience but nothing I need to repeat. Jag – man. Felicia – they’re building out there whatever they’re doing ..well not right now but all day I heard them. Felicia leaves to go to the bathroom. Jag – are we trying to (drink) tonight? I am tired that’s all.


8:45pm HOH room – Bowie listening to music, Matt playing cards and Felicia trying to fall sleeping in the comic bedroom.

9:33pm Kitchen – Matt and Jag making food and talking about what past seasons are like at the end.

9:35pm Comic Bedroom – Felicia.
Felicia – those guys aren’t coming down to talk or engage. They’re doing exactly what I said they were going to do .. just nothing. And so, it is time for me to roll out of the house. I don’t even care to be here anymore. I know it ain’t 10pm and I don’t even care! Because there ain’t nothing for me to do. I want to sit in those final 2 chairs but I ain’t going to beg them. All I can do is feed information, they can take it, and trust it because I haven’t made up no lies. Jag will just have to follow his gut. Matt going to look up and he is going to land in the jury house. Matt going to be sitting there with Bowie Jane if he ain’t careful.

9:50pm – 10:15pm Kitchen – Matt and Jag sitting at the small table talking.
Matt – the longest standing alliance. Jag – everyone else turned on each other or we sent them home. Matt – because we came up with that name on day 30 or something. Also if I was trying to get you out, I probably would have talked about the Minute Men. Jag – yeah. Matt – if I was really going to do that because that’s what Cam did. Jag – Cam’s so dumb. Matt – I am going to prep for my speech tomorrow. I’ll let you know if they tell me in the DR. Or maybe its all live? Jag – Bowie said we can have it for breakfast. Matt – we can have what? Jag – the wine. Matt – oh god! They stand in front of the memory wall and reminisce / talk about the past house guests. Matt – we’re already doing the recap.

10:30pm – 10:45pm HOH room – Matt and Jag.
Matt is trying to convince Jag that lightening starts from the ground. He says his 5 grade teacher told him that so he believes it. They chat about random things.. restaurants/wine, etc.

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