Michael Bruner Blasts Fans For “Discrediting” This Big Brother 25 Houseguest’s Gameplay


Michael Bruner may have been a beast during Big Brother 24, but he’s getting backlash after blasting fans’ opinions on a Big Brother 25 houseguest.

Big Brother season 24 star Michael Bruner, a competition beast who was taken out during the week 9 double eviction, shared his thoughts on the criticism being directed at Big Brother 25’s competition beast Jag Bains. Michael is a Big Brother superfan, which made him both a competitive threat and a threat on the strategic side. Aligning early on with Brittany Hoopes, Michael was the first houseguest to break Big Brother legend Janelle Pierzina’s record in Power Of Veto wins, winning six Vetoes. Though Michael could’ve easily been the winner, he was blindsided during a double eviction when Matthew Turner backdoored him, sending him to the jury house.

As Big Brother 25 rolls on, Michael has been sharing his thoughts on the game and recently explained that he feels criticism of Big Brother 25 comp beast Jag Bains is unfair. “So what we shouldn’t be doing is discrediting Jag and his wins,” Michael shared on Twitter.

“If I had played smarter I should have evicted the people who would have been toughest to beat in end-game comps, like Jag has done this season.” Michael’s tweet sparked controversy in the Big Brother fandom, as Jag has been called out for sloppy social gameplay that’s resulted in seemingly weak evictions.

Michael Bruner Thinks Big Brother 25 Star Jag Bains’ “Got This In The Bag”

Jag’s gameplay has been interesting throughout Big Brother 25, as he has been able to keep himself safe with competition wins. With a week still left in the Big Brother 25 house, Jag has racked up eight competition wins split between two Head Of Household titles and six Vetoes. Virtually unbeatable, Jag has evicted people aligned with him closely in the game in order to eliminate any competitive threat to him. While this works as a strategy during the game, Jag’s jury management has been difficult to watch. Still, Michael feels Jag’s “got this in the bag if he can get the right person next to him in the final 2.”


Michael, who was a threat from all angles in the previous season of Big Brother, feels that Jag’s gameplay has been working thus far. In some instances, it has. For Jag, competitions have been his lifeline on Big Brother, and ensuring he’s continuing to win and keep himself immune from hitting the nomination block has been the cornerstone of his strategy. The only issue with Jag’s style of gameplay has been his jury management, which leaves a lot to be desired. Feeling slighted by Jag, several of the members of the Big Brother 25 Jury of 7 may not want to vote for him after his part in their evictions.

With Big Brother 25 coming to an end, there are only five houseguests left vying for the $750,000 grand prize. Jag, who has the most competition wins by far, has been a huge threat to the rest of the houseguests, but many are too afraid to make a move against him at this point in the endgame as the Big Brother competitions have proven too difficult. With Jag easily proving his ability to take himself off the nomination block, it’s possible that he will wind up in the final 2 of Big Brother 25, poised to take the win.

Big Brother season 25 airs Sundays at 10 p.m. EDT, Tuesdays at 8 p.m. EDT, and Thursdays at 9 p.m. EDT on CBS.

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