Portia Robinson Is Handling Trina All Wrong On General Hospital


Will this mother and daughter ever reconnect on GH?

Portia Robinson was so worried about Trina while her daughter was trapped on an island about to be blown away on General Hospital. As any mother would be. However, Portia’s problems with Trina started before her little girl stowed away on The Hunted Star.

Portia Robinson: General Hospital Wrong Turn

We’d wager the big rift came when, at her mother’s wedding to Curtis (Donnell Turner), Trina (Tabyana Ali) learned that her new stepfather might be her biological father. A fact that the guy Trina calls Dad didn’t know either. Now that Trina is back safe and sound, Portia (Brook Kerr) wants to repair their relationship. But she is doing it in absolutely the worst way possible.

GH: The Past Is In The Past

Portia never particularly cared for Spencer (Nicholas Alexander Chavez), and she never thought he was a good match for Trina. But it was one thing when she shared her opinion at a time when she and Trina were Port Charles’ answer to the Gilmore Girls. It’s another now that Trina is still fuming about the whole paternity lie thing.


Portia Robinson: General Hospital Careless Whisper

Portia should be treading very carefully now. She should find out what her daughter wants from their relationship and play it Trina’s way. There are mother-daughter arguments where both sides are equally in the wrong, and equally in the right. This…is not it. Portia lied to her daughter about something really, really important. Not to mention, she hurt Taggert (Réal Andrews), the dad that Trina loves. So that’s two strikes.

GH: Third Time is the Charm

Add Portia’s hostility to Spencer, and she’s inching into Three Strikes You’re Out territory. Not to mention, she is really, really risking her daughter turning her back on her mom completely and running straight into Spencer’s arms. Not just because she’s wanted him, like, forever. But because it will piss her mom off. Speaking of math, that’s a twofer!

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