The ‘Big Brother 25’ Showmance War Will Continue If Jared Returns To The Game


You’re only stronger with numbers in Big Brother, so showmances can be good for houseguests’ games on the CBS show if they work together. Big Brother 25 has two showmances where the men are allies, and the women are friends. However, in recent weeks those dynamics have changed. Cory Wurtenberger and America Lopez successfully targeted Jared Fields and got him evicted. Cory nominated Blue Kim next to Jared and made sure she couldn’t protect him. Jared has another shot at the game, and if he returns then the showmance war will only continue.

Blue Targets Cory and America on Big Brother 25

Blue, America, and Jared started in the Family Style alliance. Jared ratted it out to Cirie Fields and she was able to form an alliance with the other side. Family Style fell apart the following week, but some of the relationships continued. Blue and America were at least friends. They would bond by talking about the find romantic connections they made in the house. However, they weren’t playing the game together, so they acted as leaks of information to each other. Jared and Cory always found out what they were telling each other.

Blue was angry at Jared for keeping For Real For Real alliance a secret. He wasn’t apologetic when she confronted him about it, and he was more worried about who told her about the alliance. Of course, Cory was the one leading the charge of telling everyone that Cirie had multiple alliances. So Blue started keeping her own secrets from Jared and considered her other options. She made an alliance with America called The Sirens. They agreed that they needed to rely less on their showmance to get further in the game. But Blue knew she couldn’t fully trust America since she wanted to target Jared when there were plenty of other houseguests left in the house. In America’s defense, Jared told Cory that he wanted America gone multiple times.

America and Cory were ready to take the shot after Jared nominated them for the block. Jared could revive his game, but Blue seems done with America and Cory. The communication manager told other houseguests she doesn’t think America has done anything in the game. Cory telling Blue he wouldn’t nominate her only to immediately do so also didn’t do him any favors. She wants to move forward working with Jag Bains and Matt Klotz and sees Cory as a threat. Blue will push for Cory to go over America. Blue is also worried about Cameron coming back into the game because he’s closer to America and Cory.

Jared Tries to Make Amends with Cory

Jared talked to Cory on September 24 about their falling out. He claimed he always wanted Cameron out over America. “This is why what I’m doing to you guys, but I’m letting you know like this is exactly who I want to go home,” Jared told him. “And obviously I can’t give him the opportunity to automatically play in veto.” The exterminator said a lot happened last week and “I take my fault in it just as much as everybody else. Right? I’m not innocent here. I’m not saying that.”

Jared claimed he wasn’t upset with Cory after the eviction. Cory said it’s hard for them to work together again after nominating each other and mentioned being close with Matt and Jag. He mentioned Jared telling Cameron about his brother being on Survivor secret and lying about Jag outing the Izzy Gleicher plan. Cory said these actions felt like Jared was trying to turn him against America. Jared denied this and claimed he never cared to turn Cory against her. He falsely claimed Izzy told him that Cory told America about his secret. Jared said evicting Cory was never his priority, but his trust in him was waning. The conversation left Cory still suspicious of Jared. However, Jared is more worried about Matt and Jag than therefore will be in a worse position if he returns to the game.


Cameron Is Another Threat to Cory’s Game

Jared might not be focused on Cory and America, but there is another threat. Cameron might return to the game and is improving his relationships to stay this time. He seems to be an obvious ally for Cory and America since they worked with him on the Izzy eviction. But Cameron doesn’t like Cory and America together.

He often talks about wanting Cory out of the game. Cameron said it could be awkward for America in the jury house, which confused her. She told Cory that she was getting worried about Cameron because he gets grumpy when they’re together. So Cameron’s game aligns with Blue’s goal of targeting Cory. He formed The Fugitives alliance with Matt and Jag. All of them are competition threats and are more likely to get their way when the game continues.

Cory tried to improve his relationship with Cameron on September 26. He claimed he didn’t care what America and Cameron did, and maybe they could work together. Cameron still wants to target Cory but after evicting Felicia Cannon. Cameron believes Felicia wouldn’t vote for him to win since he nominated her. This side of the house also pulled in Bowie Jane. Matt told her Cory and America made a final three with Blue. She was shocked and revealed to the swimmer that they pitched a final three with her. So Cory and America have fewer numbers on their side as the days continue. They’re unaware of how bad their position is, so it’s very likely they’ll get blindsided once they lose power.

Blue has tried to turn Mecole Hayes against Cory and America too. She told her that the couple was throwing the next competition. Also, that America’s plan if she ever wins HoH is putting Mecole next to Felicia on the block. The one thing that did land with Mecole was hearing that America said she was targeting Matt and Jag.

That means there are more people targeting America and Cory than not because Blue is determined to get revenge. She might get what she wants whether Jared returns to the game or not. Big Brother fans will watch Jared or Cameron play in a competition on September 28’s episode to find out which one has another shot at winning the $750,000 prize.

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