The Guys Choose Their Final Solo Dates On This Week’s ‘Farmer Wants A Wife’


As Farmer Wants a Wife barrels towards its Season 2 finale, the farmers are having to make some tough calls. This week, Mitchell sent Natalie packing after inviting her out to his ranch for all of, what? A week? Brandon carved out alone time with Joy to figure out why their previous date was such a disaster (understandably, he was “caught off guard with the ‘no empathy/sympathy’ thing”). And Ty saw Ashley off so she could return to her career.

But the guys’ hardest decision came when they had to choose their final solo date of the season. Thankfully, Jennifer Nettles (read: the producers) called in the farmers’ loved ones, including moms, dads, siblings, friends and Ty’s 12-year-old daughter, Lennon, to help.

Here’s who the guys picked for their final solo dates after their families grilled the ladies over a farm-to-table dinner.

Who did Mitchell choose for his final solo date?

Despite his mother’s plea to choose Kait, who expressed her desire to start having kids immediately upon marriage, Mitchell went with his first solo date of the season (and his dad’s top pick), Kiana. Only one person from the group, Mitchell’s friend Houston, advocated for Sydney, which was nuts given how compatible she is with Mitchell’s lifestyle. Didn’t they hear how she likes to butcher, clean and cook deer meat? In all seriousness, though, shout-out to Sydney for not giving Mitchell’s mom the answer she wanted to hear re: babies. Sydney wants time to explore the world! Those deer aren’t going to hunt themselves.

Who did Brandon choose for his final solo date?

Last week’s episode ended with Brandon asking Joy to talk outside, the implication being that he w as gearing up to send her home after their disastrous solo date a couple weeks back (the one where Joy told him she didn’t feel…anything). But what actually happened was a rekindling. Realizing she had to open up or risk getting the boot, Joy confessed to Brandon that she is the way she is because she used to suffer from untreated epilepsy as a kid, and the experience hardened her.


“I just feel like I’ve been through it, so whenever somebody’s like, ‘I have a cold or I have a cough,’ I’m like, ‘Get over it,'” she said. She cried, Mitchell cried, you cried.

The talk brought Mitchell and her so much closer that by the time the mixer happened, Grace (who should be the frontrunner!) and Emerson (who showed a mean Reba-streak this week) seemed like afterthoughts. Brandon went with Joy for his final solo date. “I want to see if we can have a date that goes better than the first,” he said.

Brandon’s friend Carlos was the only one who had the sense to question (in so many words) whether Joy would be okay living five hours from the nearest hair salon.

Who did Ty choose for his final solo date?

After saying goodbye to Ashley, Ty was left with only two women to choose from: New Yorker Melody and schoolteacher Megan. Although his friend rightly pegged Megan as the better longer-term option (because is Melody really okay with leaving the Big Apple for Sikeston, Missouri?), Ty chose to circle back to his East Coast crush. It had been a long time since their first solo date, he explained, and he wanted a chance to reconnect (and probably make out).

Who did Nathan choose for his final solo date?

Nathan’s three sisters and mother couldn’t have been sweeter, nor could they have made it any more obvious why Nathan is the reticent rancher that he is—he’s the baby of the family, their special boy. Although his sisters (and Nathan himself) seemed to favor Taylor for his final solo date, Nathan ultimately chose Allye at the advice of his mom, who thought she might just need more time to warm up.

“My mom saw something in Allye that maybe I didn’t,” Nathan explained. Mother knows best!

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