This Big Brother 25 Houseguest Needs To Be Taken Seriously After Building “Great Resume”


Big Brother 25 host Julie Chen Moonves explains why one of the houseguests should now be taken seriously after they’ve built up their resumé.

Big Brother season 25 host Julie Chen Moonves thinks that it’s time to start taking Bowie Jane seriously now that she’s built up her resumé in the house. Bowie was under-the-radar for the first half of the game, not winning any competitions or creating any strategies. However, in week 10, Bowie won her first Head of Household (HOH) competition and worked to evict her former ally and competition beast Cameron Hardin from the game. She has since won two more HOH competitions, including during the double eviction and the crucial one that secured her spot in the Final 3.

In an interview with EW, when asked if Big Brother 25 viewers should start taking Bowie more seriously as a player in the game, Julie declared, “Yes. No question.” She explained, “One HOH could be a fluke. Two could be a blessing. Three is not luck. She now has a great resumé.” Throughout the game, Bowie has been dismissed as a player by both her fellow Big Brother 25 houseguests and fans of the show. However, Julie now sees her as a legitimate competitor.

Julie Chen Moonves Reveals Cirie Fields’ Big Brother 25 Downfall

Julie also shared her thoughts about what led to Survivor legend and The Traitors season 1 winner Cirie Fields’ eviction on day 93. Julie said that Cirie’s strength “was her charm and all-around likable personality.” However, Julie also pointed out, “Her weakness was she was bad at the comps!” Cirie left the Big Brother 25 house without winning any competitions at all.



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Cirie might not have won any Big Brother 25 competitions, but she definitely brought the entertainment to the season. Julie is correct that Cirie’s charm is what kept her in the house so long because it helped her with her incredible social game. She was also part of one of the greatest twists of the season. It was astonishing that she and her son, Jared Fields, were able to keep their family connection a secret, which was very fun to watch. Even when she was disgruntled about things in the house, especially her superhero costume punishment, her sweet giggle brightened any scene she was in. Cirie is reality television gold.

Julie is right that Bowie’s three HOH wins are impressive, especially in a game that was dominated by strong male competitors such as Jared, Cameron, Jag Bains, and Matt Klotz. In fact, she’s tied with Cameron for the most HOH wins of the season. However, Bowie didn’t begin to win those competitions until some of the stronger players were evicted or ineligible to play as the outgoing HOHs. Still, Bowie’s competition wins can’t be discounted at this point in the game when it’s very difficult to avoid being evicted. She also made it to the Final 3 without ever being nominated, which is a very impressive feat.

Big Brother season 25 airs Sundays at 10 p.m. EDT, Tuesdays at 8 p.m. EDT, and Thursdays at 9 p.m. EDT on CBS.

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